part 17?

558 11 3

After eating dinner with her family Keqing rush home as she see the time is almost 9pm. She went to her car right before get in she was stopped by Ei.

Telling her to be careful on the road.

"I will mom don't worry."

"Then,off you go"

"Bye, oh btw Mr. Zhongli said hi i forgot to tell you before."

"Zhongli?Whos that?"

"Aren't you friend with him?.A tall guy,long hair with gold eye"



"It nothing aren't you in hurry?"

"Ah that's right!.Bye mom."


Ei wave at keqing as keqing drove away from the house.

The purple hair girl stopped by the mochi shop to buy some mochi for her lover.
Once she arrive she was welcome by Ganyu that jump into Keqing arm making them fall to the floor.

Pressing their body together feeling the warmth of the blue hair girl body.


Ganyu not moving feeling worried Keqing touch Ganyu making sure she okay.As her hand touch Ganyu shoulder her body was hot as if it was burning.

"Ganyu!are you okay you're burning!?Is it fever"

"N–no it not.Arg! No time to explain..i–i need you now"

She tried to finish her sentence even though she was stuttering.

"What do mean!?"

The blue hair girl start to strip her clothes ignoring keqing.Layer by layer leaving only her bottom on.

"Pls,Keqing it hurt i can't wait any longer.."

Looking at ganyu behavior keqing finally understand what's happening.


Lifting ganyu from the floor carrying her to the bedroom.

Let's leave it here i continue on Tuesday.Also im sorry for not writing for a month?no, almost a month.It might be obvious but can you guess what happening to Ganyu?

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now