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I be skipping the tour cause it boring and i don't know what to write.So here the next part

Ganyu pov

I go to my class and keqing walk away from me going to the opposite direction of her class so I guess she skipping.

It was in the middle of class i awkwardly enter the classroom.The teacher look and welcome me.

"Oh,Welcome to cyro you must be the new student come and introduce yourself."

"Hi,my name is Ganyu.Nice to meet you"

The teacher thanks me and tell me to sit at the back.After that the class continue.I sit next to this girl that look like she from a rich family.

"Hi,my name is Ayaka.Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"i respond

The class went by so fast that it was already lunch time.As i walk out of my class i saw keqing talking to childe.They look like they about to start a fight.

Ah,she noticed me.keqing walked towards me. Grab my hand and pulled me away from the place.

"Running away aren't we?"childe shout

Keqing look back show him a middle finger and said"Who running away i just don't stand your bullshit talk".

Childe didn't respond to that . Keqing still pulling my hand.I tried asking where we going.

"Cafeteria,where do you thing we going?.It lunchtime"

The walk was awkward with the both of us not saying anything.We arrive at the cafeteria.I finally got to buy my food after a long line.There not many food choice since most of it sold out.So i picked some bread and milk.

I walk toward keqing.She said"You done, let's go"


"Somewhere no one can disturb me."

I follow her closely everyone are staring at us surprise.Some of them are gossiping and some of them are throwing thing at keqing.It hit me it hurts is that a plastic bottle.

Keqing see this and glare at them.They were in fear then everything stop.We walked away climbing a really long stairs.I see a sign that said no trespassing.I got scare thinking where she taking me but it was just the rooftop.

We sit in the shade.It was peaceful and quiet.The wind was so nice and cold.

Keqing starting a conversation

"That horn is it real?"her voice was calm unlike before her voice was loud and scary.

"Ah,yes it real"


She was the first one to not surprised by it.I guess this is normal here.

The conversation continue

"Why did you transfer here anyway?"

"My parent got a job transfer far away so they decide to transfer me since they have dorm here."


Again with that respond.

The conversation stopped

Umm this is awkward. Someone get me out of this situation. Luckily i got save by the bell.


"I should go back now"

I immediately stand up to walk away from her but got stop.She was holding my arm.

"Wait, let's go together since the class will be together"

"You not skipping?"

"It Ms Yae class she scary when she angry so no"

"Ok,if you fine with that let's go together"

We walk to the class silently.I guess she have someone she scare too.

Keqing sit far away at the back.I look at her yawning she must be tired.She have this funny face on her making me want to laugh.

Poke'.Someone poking me I look beside me.


"What you're relationship with keqing?"

It took me awhile to think of an answer.

"We are roommate"



"You haven't heard before about keqing"

Heard what about keqing.I don't know anything about her.

" i heard she have been in a fight with so many people that everyone fear her.Just by glaring can make everything around her stop.Not only that once you get into a fight with her you never leave without a broken bone."

This make me scare.She's very scary even though her face is beautiful and cute.No,no this is not the time for that.

"Well,that just a rumors no one really know if she did that.By the way my name is Yoimiya . you might have meet my friend in cyro.She have this rich people vibe"

"Ganyu,nice too meet you.This friend you're talking about is it Ayaka?"

"That's right.She not very good at talking but i hope you can get along with her."

She had a  bright smile on her face that make it hard to refuse.


Keqing pov:

I been looking at them for awhile now.What are they talking about.Well,I shouldn't get myself to close to her it only cause more trouble.

I haven't look at her properly but she beautiful when she smile.But for some reason i can feel a pain behind her smiles.
It make me even more curious about her.

Sigh,This is so boring when will this class end.I should have just skipped it.Why did i even said about going together.I grabbed her without knowing what i was doing.I sucks at starting a conversation.Sighhh

"That was a long sigh.Did something happen?Is it lovesick?"

"Shut up Beidou.It not like that.Why don't you go to you're 'lady' instead of bothering me"

"Hoho, too bad lady ningguang is not here today beside you haven't answered my question yet."

"It nothing to worry about."

"You sure cause your face doesn't say so.Come on keqing don't be so secretive with me"

"Sigh fine,you never give up huh."

"That's how i sway my lady anyway"proud

"What are you proud for.Well im just curious about someone."

"That's it?"


"And here i am worrying about you"

"That why i first said it nothing to worry about"

"So who is this someone?"

I look at her before answering the question.

"Not telling"

"Oh come on,tell me"

"Nope still not telling you.Class end so bye "


It a good thing i didn't tell her.If she know who it is im sure she going to do research and brag about it to me.

Done part ii i will try update it regularly

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now