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This few day keqing was acting weird around me.She been avoiding me.Everytime i tried talking to her she always saying she busy.And when i ask what she doing so i can help.She keep saying it nothing.

She never act like this ever since we started dating.Maybe she thinking about breaking up with Ganyu think positive.Maybe she just.....she just...


"Ganyu,Are you crying?"

I wipe my tear and turn around.It was keqing.

"No im not."

"Okay,Are you free right now?I need you to come with me for awhile if you don't have anything to do."

"Yes im free right now.Where are we going?"

"You see it later."

It suspicous but im happy she talking to me like normal and not avoiding me.

We walk for like 10 minutes.

"We're here,what do you thing about it?"

I was to stunt to see this.

"I-it beautiful"

"Hehe,i know right.I been spending my time on this just for you."

So this is what she been doing behind my back.I thought she been avoiding me because i did something wrong.It was so beautiful that my tears are fallling.

"WHAT,Ganyu are you okay?Did you hurt anywhere?Why are you crying?"

"No,im not hurt.Im just so happy. No one has ever done something like this for me before."

Keqing getting closer to me she give me a kiss and hugged me.It make me happy.It embarrassing to know she seeing me cry.
Keqing wipe my tears away.

"Im happy that you're happy ganyu.So please don't cry"

After i calm down Keqing give me a kiss on my forehead.This my me blush so hard that my face is red like a tomato.

"Oh, You're blushing.Did you like me that much?"

"Stop teasing me "

Keqing laughed at me.

"But you're too cute.Come sit with me.We can watch the sunset together."

I sit next to keqing.We watch the sunset while holding hand.Her hand was warm and her face was so beautiful that i forget about the sunset.


I snapped out of my imagination.

"Are you listening to me?"

" Ah, sorry what was that?i was deep in thoughts i didn't hear what you were saying."

"I said I love you"

I blush at her word but still respond to it.

"I-i love you too"

She smile and give a kiss on my lips.I lean forward to give her a kiss too.Her lips is so soft like a jelly.It was a short kiss but i enjoyed it.

"Merry Christmas,Ganyu"

"Merry Christmas to you too,Keqing"

Keqing take a little box from her pocket give it to me.I open the box and see a pair of matching ring.

"One for you and for me.Do you like it?."

"I love it"

Keqing was smiling happily at me.I picked the purple ring and keqing pick the blue one.There were our name carved on the ring.I didn't know keqing could be this romantic.

After that i and keqing spend the whole night together.

That it for the Christmas side story

Merry Christmas guys

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now