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Ganyu pov:.

People been giving me weird look when i passing by them.Yoimiya said to let them be it pretty normal here.

This thing been going around the school.But i just let it be since it doesn't bother me that much.

Until,Childe come to me and grab my horn. He's lifting me with my horn.It hurt so much that i cry.I struggle to set free from him but failed.

He seem to be having grudges against keqing.He keep asking me where she is.I didn't answer him because of the pain.Yoimiya who's with me fight him but failed.

She got kick in the stomach so hard that she collapse.I look to the side and see people smiling at me.I closed my eyes about to lose hope for help.

But then i see a flash of light it's keqing.She punch Childe in the face that make him fall.Keqing continue beating him.Blood splatter everywhere Childe fight back by kicking keqing away.

They fought so violently that I'm sure there was a broken bone.The fight got stopped by a purple hair teacher.

Keqing look at me and yoimiya that was on the floor.She help me carry Yoimiya to the infirmary.

She lay down yoimiya on the bed.Then help me with my injuries. She has cuts and bruises everywhere.


Why is she apologizing to me.I don't understand.

"Sorry because of me you got hurt."

She looks guilty.I stay silent didn't know what to say.Keqing look at me then continue talking.

"I know nothing good will happen if i get close too you but i still do it."

"I won't talk to you so don't have to worry about getting hurt anymore."

I don't know why but it hurts when she said this.I don't want her to stop talking to me.It scare me just to think about it.

"I will–"

I unconsciously touch and grab her chin to look at her face.She have a pretty eyes color.


Her flustered face is cute.I get closer and whisper something to make her stop talking.

"You know i actually hate my horn because of it i got bullied so many time."

"What are you–"

"People make fun of my horn that i have a hard time fitting in.But you didn't even surprise by it.I taken a like to you so don't stop talking or leave me "

Her face is getting redder.
"But if i do that you're going to get hurt.I don't want that."

"Then will you protect me.Or is it that you can't.

"It not that i can't but"

"Then what the problem"


"I know that you're hate the idea of stop talking to me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't lie to me.I know that you cry when you said that"

"I cried?"

"That's right.Just like right now you are crying."

Keqing cry even more when she realize it.I hug keqing to ease her.

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now