part 10

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Fun fact:The mating season for most foxes starts in December and can last through February. The foxes who mate in winter, have their babies in the spring. They have a short gestation period of around 45-50 days.

Ganyu pov:

We don't want to disturb them so we just moved on.I really enjoyed the time i spend with keqing.

It was the best time in my life.It almost time for the bonfire dance. We went back to our room to change.

I am really excited to see Keqing in her dress.Her dress designs is a little different from mine.

Keqing got out of the room she really stunning in that dress.She look like a butterfly.

"How does it look?"

"You look really stunning!"

Her face got a little red.

"Really?You look beautiful too"

I didn't expect that.I can feel my face getting hot.

"Oh,you blushing.Thats so cute of you"

"S–stop teasing me"

Keqing laugh a little then smile at me. Giving me a head pat.

"Come let's go see the fireworks first"

"But the place is probably crowded now"

"Don't worry i have a secret place to see the firework."

Keqing hold my hand firmly so we don't get separate. The way to this secret place seem familiar to me.

We climb to this really long staircase.Aah..It the rooftop no wonder it seems familiar.

"We here,The rooftop remember anything."

"Yea, There no way i can forget.This is where we first hangout."

"Man..Time really goes so fast.So many things happen when you first come here"

"Haha,i know right."

"Now that we come here."


"I want to confess to you correctly this time"

Keqing grab my hand and hold it to her face.

"Ganyu,I love you.Will you be my girlfriend?"

I got so happy that tears start to falling down my face.

"Of course"

Keqing kiss my hand and i immediately hug her.

It was only for a short time cause the other just came to the rooftop.

Keqing wile the tear from my face with her hand it was so soft.

I keep staring at Keqing it look like she didn't notice.She really beautiful her eyes is glowing like a emerald.

"I love you too"

The fireworks is so loud so i don't think she heard me. Being able to enjoy this beautiful time with you is the best.

"Man,That was so fun,right Ganyu?"



"Oh–What was that,Yoimiya?"

"I said that fireworks was fun"

"Yea is was very beautiful."

"Are you okay you been spacing out?"

"Yea,im fine."

Keqing lean towards me asking if i was really okay.I said i was fine her face look a little worried so give her a kiss on the cheek.She got so red that was cute.

We went down to the field for the dance everyone already have a partner.I don't know how to dance so i thought of not joining in.

But just right before i got to do so Keqing grab my hand.

"Wait,keqing I don't know how to dance"

"That not a problem"

"What  do you mean?"

"Don't worry about it.I will lead you"


"Oh it starting"


She really good at this.Expect no less from Keqing she really good at almost everything.

Keqing pov

Did i succeed in impressing her?I been training really hard on this dance.

I hope i didn't disappointed her.Her hand is so small and slender.

I noticed that during the fireworks she been staring at me is there something on my face?.It would be really embarrassing.

This part is really difficult i keep messing it on my training.(she successfully made it)Yeay,I did it.

I won't have any problem from here on.

Okay, that's it. I have no excuse for the late.

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now