part 6

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You guys seem to like this story so here a little update

It been several weeks since Ganyu having the nightmare.Her wound almost done healing,there still some scratches on her horn.The doctor said she can go to School in a few day.



"Where are you going?"

"I have to go to class today."

"It still early,do you have to go? Can you stay?"

She cute but I skipped so many times already.I don't want to hear the principal nagging at me again.

"Ganyu babe, you're cute but i can't, not today.I come back to you after my class ends."


"Yea,i promise.I have to go now, your breakfast is in the fridge just reheat them when you want to eat."

"Bye,have a good day. I love you"

Ganyu was looking at the other direction when she said this.I didn't get to see it clearly but her ear is red.Is she embarrassed.

It always me who said it first so this make me somewhat happy.I get closer to her and give her a kiss on the lips it just a short kiss.I pulled back from her face but Ganyu pull my clothes and give me another kiss.I smile at her when she do this.

"I love you too,Ganyu"

I wave at her and leave the room.

Ganyu pov:

Why did i say that.Keqing is so beautiful in her uniform.It making me feel a little wierd.

I lay down on my bed i can smell a little bit of Keqing scent.Qilin has a better nose and ear than normal human.She like to sneak into my bed to sleep with me sometime.

Im hungry i wonder what keqing cook for breakfast. Oh it's my favorite food Prosperous Peace. i reheat the food just like what keqing said.After i finish eating i took a bath and clean the room.

I got so bored after i finish cleaning.I can't go to school yet. Yoimiya said she can start attending class today too.I open discord

"Hi guys"


"Lol what happened to your name"

"The name is getting worst"

"What does ganqing mean anyway?"

The best chef
"Oh it just two name that i put together.Like Ganyu and keqing"

Golden shrimp ball
"Did someone call my name?"

"Who are you?"

Golden shrimp ball
"Im Keqing.Wait what happen to my name"

"You get use to it"

"What are you guys doing right now?"

"In class "

"You can use phone in classroom?"

"As long as the teacher doesn't caught you. You're be fine."

"The teacher is not here right now so it fine "

"Oh,the teacher here,argh it's Mr.Diluc again"

"Well good luck"

Everyone is in class right now.I don't know what to do so i just lay down and close my eyes thinking maybe i could fall asleep.As soon as i close it i hear someone knocking on the door.

"Who's there?"

I go to the door the check it. I was surprised to see who it is.

"Hi, It been a while Ganyu are you happy to see me"

Gonna leave it here for now i continue tomorrow.Bye im going to sleep

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now