part 9

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Sorry for the late update.I have exam last week so i didn't have time to write.

I didn't even know if i pass.

Anyway moving on to what happened in the last part of course.

Keqing pov:

I found out how did it to Ganyu but I can't do anything about it because I don't have a proof.So i let slide for awhile...

The sport festival preparation have been going smoothly.I keep my eyes on Ganyu so she didn't overworked herself anymore.

"Ganyu,are you done yet?Lets go we going to be late."

"Keqing,wait for me!."

She almost fell down from stumbling the sofa.I catch her on the stomach.i think i touched it a little.

"Woah,careful there"

"Hehe,thank you"

"Come on, let's go everyone waiting"


We walk down the hallway there so many people from outside.The academy invite many popular people and some of the were parents of the student.

We see Yanfei,Xingyu and everyone else already gathering.So we rush there in a hurry.

"Sorry, were we late?"

"Nah, you're on time.It surprising"

"Thank goodness.And what do you mean by that"


It not like im always late..or did i?

"Anyway let's make a strategy plan"

Yanfei show us the schedule for the event.

"Okay so it decided,Chongyun,Shenhe and Beidou will be participating in the tug of war.Keqing,I and Hutao will be in the Big feet race."

"Ganyu and Xiangling will be in the three leg race.Any objection?'


"Great, lets do this and win"

Everyone was fired up for the first place.The first place prize was 5m mora.There no wonder they want it so bad.

The three leg race starts with Ganyu and xiangling at first place.It was so close.We win most of the events.

The last one is the Big three race.It hard to move with three people and also easy with our heights.

Ganyu pov:

I can't find Keqing.Where is she?


Huh did someone just call me.I turn my head around.I see someone familiar i thought it was Keqing at first but...


I run and hug him since it been a long time since we met.I miss him so much.

"I miss you,Xiao"

"Me too, my little sister"

"When did you come?"

"I just arrived you were amazing in that race"

"Thank you"

"How school?Are you having fun?"

"Everything fine im made some new friends and good friend...."

"Great i was worrying that you're were not having fun."

I broke the hug and move a step backward.
I hold his hand and pulled him.

"Come on i show you to my friend"

"Woah,Ganyu you slow down you're going to fall down."

"I be fine im not a kid anymore"

I show him to the others they were really friendly with xiao.

"Oh Ganyu welcome back have you found Keqing?.And who this?"

"I didn't find Keqing.This is my brother Xiao.Come on Xiao say hi"

"Hi im Xiao,Ganyu brother nice to meet you"

"Hi,Nice to meet you too.Im Hutao."

While everyone was introducing theirself. Keqing came back.

"Keqing,where were you i was looking for you?"


"Yea,Here meet my brother"

I show him Xiao and look like i did something bad.Keqing look at Xiao up and down with her judging eyes.

"Look who's here"


Do they know each other?

"Do you guys know each other?"

"Yea he lost to me before"

"I didn't i let you win because you were pitiful."

"Yea,yea what ever you say"

They calm down i was scare that they going to start a fight.Keqing seem fine with Xiao but Xiao didn't like Keqing.

"Hey let go look around at the stall and the other."

I tried to make them both get along.It look like it work they start to talk to each other.It was fun spending time with Xiao since he busy.There many amazing and fun stuff.

"Thanks,Ganyu today was fun.But i gotta go now."


"Im sorry, Don't be sad we meet again soon."


He smiles at me then look at Keqing whispering something.

"I don't know what you're relationship with Ganyu but if you make her cry i will kill you"

"Say someone who lost to me.Dont worry I won't hurt her"

They stared at each other for a minute.

"Goodbye Ganyu,see you later"

Xiao walk away from us waving back.I watch him disappear into the crowd.

"He gone now"

"Hey, Don't be sad.Why don't we continue looking at the other stall.We only seen half of them."

"But it almost time for the bonfire dance"

"We still have time.Come on this is a rare chance for us to spend time together."

Keqing hold my hand so we don't get separate.Hee hand is soft and big.

We taste so many sweets and food all of them are amazing.We also saw Mrs.Ei and Mrs.Yae together i wonder what they doing in the classroom.

Im going to continue this tomorrow.Again  im sorry for the late update.Hope you guys having a good day.Also Ganyu wanter will be ganyu haver.

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now