part 13

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Keqing pov:

Ganyu open the door but i can't tell from her expression if she mad or sad.


I reach out my hand but got stopped.

"How could you said that! You said that it fine if i hate you!"


"If you don't like it just say so don't keep it to yourself."

"Im sorry..."

"You always say you're sorry.You never think about yourself."


"I push you away so many times why are you still here.Dont you hate me."

"I never once think that i hate you."


I turned around to take my leave.

"It look like i come at the wrong time. I come to pick you up tomorrow afternoon. I be going now"

Im pathetic running away like this.I can't look at her.Even though i miss Ganyu so much.

I walked past Zhongli on my way out.

"How did it go?Did you make up?"

"No, It look like she in a bad mood."

"It all my fault that you two got into a fight."

"It's okay Mr.Zhongli"

"*Sigh*I see, You're going already?"


"Then be careful on the road.Send my regards to Ei"

"Thank you Mr. Zhongli"

I smile at him and go my car.

I can't sleep that night my thoughts are full with what Ganyu said.When was it that i stopped thinking about myself.

I don't know...

Ganyu pov

I said too much to Keqing i should apologize to her tomorrow.

Maybe Shenhe was right.

Earlier today

"So you're girlfriend been coming to your house and you been avoiding her?Why?"

"Idk just when i see her i feel like i want to cry.I been making excuse to push her away but she keep coming back.I can't told her the reason i leave without telling.i got really happy and sad when i see her"

"Aren't you just scared?"


"What? You been pushing her away but it hurts you.Ganyu you just scared that she might leave you.Youre being selfish."

"Wha–Wait... Maybe you're right."

"See.Lord Shenhe never wrong.Anyway just give it some thought for today.Youre coming back to the academy tomorrow right?"

"Yea,Zhongli said it got cancelled."

"There still time to think about it."

"Mm...I will think about it.By the way Shenhe why are you here? Shouldn't you be at the academy?"

"I just learned there but i didn't live at the academy.You can choose whether you want to live there or not.Didnt they tell you?"

"No,they didn't."

"Welp now you know.It getting late i be going now.Bye."


In real time

What make me scared so much?

Keqing is a mortal and im a qilin that can live longer than normal human.This might be the reason im scared.

The next day

Keqing come to pick me up in the afternoon.It was so awkward in the car.She just spacing out and never said a word to me.

There a dark mark under her eye she must haven't been sleeping for days and it all my fault.

When we arrive Hu tao come running to me.There also the others.


"Ganyu, we missed you"

Keqing just walked away not saying anything.

"Mh?What you with Keqing?Did you guys had a lover quarell?"


Wait how did she know.We never tell anyone that we dating.

"What im not wrong, right?"

"You're not but how did you know?"

"It really obvious though.Everyone know about it"

"Wait really!?"


I look at Yoimiya,Ayaka,Yanfei and Chongyun.It look like she didn't lie to me.

"Well we just have a little disagreement that lead us to a fight."

"That sounds tough.Oh you must be tired go and take a rest.You have our support."

"Thank you"

I go the dorm.I saw Keqing sitting on her bed looking down not.She not moving a muscle i take a look closer to her just to make sure she alive.

"Keqing, About yesterday im sorry i said too much."


No response

"Im scared that Zhongli might hurt you"

She still looking down ignoring me.

"Keqing don't ignore me please.Look at me."

"Why don't you do it first.Since the first day i came to your house not even once you look at me in the eyes"

"Are you mad at me?"

"Mad?Yea im mad."


"But it not because of you it just im mad because i can't find you sooner."

There tears coming down her face.I don't know what to do so i hugged her.

"Im sorry,i won't do it again so please don't cry."

"*Sobbing*G–Ganyu ple–please don't leve me again."

"I won't"

It might be you that leave me though.

Um.. i forgot what i supposed to write so i change it a little.Anyway here some extra.

In Ei office.

"Come on Ei it going to be fine.She not a kid anymore she can handle this"

"Yea... you're right"

"You still tense.Want me to give you a massage~~"

"Not now Yae im still working."



"Really!*brighten up*"


"I love you"

"Yea² love you too."

Also should i write a segg scene a bout Keqing and Ganyu or just move on to the next part?.

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now