part 11(Searching)

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That night i couldn't sleep well for some reason my heart keep telling me something bad about to happened.I was scared that my worse fear will happen.

And it happened

2 day ago

*Close door*

"Hmm Ganyu who's was that"

"Oh good morning,Keqing.It just Ayaka"

Ganyu was smiling happily like always but something doesn't feel right.I didn't think about the thing behind that smile.I was dumb

"I see"

I was too tired and sleepy from the sport festival.

"Still sleepy?"


"You can go back to sleep.We don't have any classes today."

I stared at her

"What?Want to sleep together?"



Ganyu gets on my bed it kinda hard to move since it was a single bed.

I hugged Ganyu resting her head on my chest.I played with her hair until i fall asleep.

We slept in until afternoon.I wake earlier than Ganyu.I look at her face.I hold her hand it was cold.

I turn the heater on. I cover her with blanket to make sure she warm.After i wash my face i went to make lunch since she will be hungry when she wakes up.

The day went by really slow everything we did was the same as always but today Ganyu is clingy to me.

I don't hate it.I should have realized earlier.But before i knew it she was gone at first i thought she was just going out hanging out with her friends.

I wait and wait for Ganyu to come back it been 2day she still didn't come.I got really worried and start to ask her friends.

"Ganyu, i didn't hang out with her the last 2 day"

The answers are always the same 'we didn't hangout with her'.I keep asking around there must be someone who know where she went.

There no way she just went missing just like that.I search and ask everywhere.Then a thought strike in my head to search for Ayaka.

"Eh,no i didn't go to your room 3 days ago."

"Is that so"


"Nothing,it just Ganyu didn't come back for days now."


"She says something about you meeting her before she missing so i thought you might know where she went."

"Sorry, I don't know where she went."

"It okay thank you"

I keep searching for Ganyu outside and inside the academy ground.My hand is shaking and cold

Why am i shaking?
It's cold
Why's my whole body shaking?
My vision it getting blurry



It's Ayaka

"I–Ganyu she getting transferred–"

My eyes open when i heard this.I immediately run to the principal office to confirm if what i heard is true or not."

"Yes,She transferring the paperwork is still not complete."

My heart drop went the principal said this.

Am i going to lose someone i love again.
Why is everyone going away from me?
I don't understand.
Did i do something wrong for them to go away?
Why are you leaving me alone?

I leave the principal office with my tears overflowing.Mama was there standing right next to the door.

She has a sad expression when she see my face.I immediately wipe my tears.

"Go meet her"

"Huh? How?I don't know where she live"

"Don't worry about that i already had it done"

"What do you mean?"

"That roommate of your she precious to you right?"


"Then go meet her.She live at Mt.Aozang"

Something inside of me is happy.

"Thank you Mama"

I run while looking back waving my hand.

Wow this feel a bit dramatic but that only the beginning.HEHE

Ganqing (Don't leave me) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now