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The Other Waithe / 1.02

"Holy shit."



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Hopes in her dorm, looking out the window she sees some jocks from Mystic Falls. They're currently spray painting some of the Salvatore vans, laughing.


Hope has her usual therapy session with Emma. Her therapist is curious as to why she would do black magic knowing she'd be caught, Hope argues that she thought they'd at least find Landon first, Emma asks if anyone else was involved, Hope remembers Josie, but lies saying No. After more talking the therapist tries to relax her saying it's not her fight, Hope starts another argument before going to leave ignoring Emma's question about what'd she do when she found him.


Hope walks throughout the halls, entering her dorm grabbing a box from under her bed, pulling it out from under her bed. It contained multiple things, though Hope only focused on one, a book, more specifically a grimoire. She keeps turning the pages until she reaches one with a skull. She scans through the paper, then proceeds to rip it out. 


Lizzie practically sprints down the steps, "Let's hit the dining hall and carb load. It's game day." Lizzie says determined.

"I'm not hungry." Josie simply tells, Lizzie turns to look at Josie, causing both of them to stop walking. "What?"

"Well, uh, funny thing actually, Josette." Lizzie uses her full first name as they start to walk again. "This morning, as I was desperately trying to make this trash bag of a jersey look cute, I suddenly had the urge to purge. So I fled to the bowl, and lo and behold, I heaved up a gallon of black goo. So seeing as I haven't been dabbling in any illicit black magic recently, I can only imagine it was a twin sympathy hurl." Lizzie continues. "And here you are, denying the day's most important meal. So fess up. What did you do?"

"Maybe you're pregnant, Lizzie." Penelope interrupts. "Oh, or maybe it's just how that jersey fits."

Lizzie looks down at her jersey, now self-conscience. "Go away, evil one." Josie tries.

"Already gone. Hot tip: net time you burn your ex's hair off, make sure she can't rock a lob." Penelope informs as she does a hair flip, and with that she walks off. Josie sighs.

The twins turn around to walk away, "Morning! Big game today..."

"Bounce, MG." Lizzie cuts the boy off, "If you hurry, you can catch up with the Blair Bitch and tongue-chum her again." MG awkwardly smiles then turns, just walking off. Lizzie turns to Josie. "Did she who shall not be named just fat-shame me?"

The Other Waithe | Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now