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The Other Waithe / 1.0/5

"-He's not a fucking killer!"



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"Rafael, seriously, it's not right." Landon speaks to his brother.

"I 100% agree with Lan, Raf." Natalie says as she moved to keep up with the two boys.

"It is what it is, guys." Rafael brushes off, he clearly doesn't want to have this conversation.

"You're not catholic, you shouldn't have to confess your sins." Landon tries to reason.

Rafael simply ignores him, "I tossed the lawnmower through the patio door, bruh. If apologizing to God get Hector and Maria off my back, so be it."

They see the outline of the church and Natalie sighs. "I'd love to argue with why you shouldn't have to do this, but this is your last chance to leave 'cause we're kinda here."

Rafael quicked his steps causing his two siblings to speed walk, "It's fine Nat, lets just get this over with." Natalie just rolls her eyes.

They entered the church closing the door behind them, " Buenas tardes, Father Pietro." Rafael greets.

"Buenas Tardes, Rafael. Por favor, pray with me." the priest replies.

"Natalie, Landon, you can leave now. It's okay we can take it from here." Hector speaks for the fist time since seeing the trio.

Natalie looked at Maria as if she was crazy for thinking she'd leave her brother, "I'm good, Hector." Natalie says, she felt Landon softly glaring at her. "Sorry, we're good." Natalie corrects herself causing Landon to have a small smile.

Maria steps in, "Natalie, Landon, this is between your 'foster' brother and God, okay?"

"Hey, I got it, guys. Just wait outside." Rafael speaks up.

Landon, nods, dragging Natalie outside knowing she wouldn't leave. They sat on the steps, as neither of the pair realize their foster parents have locked them out with chains.

"I got a bad feeling about this Lan." Natalie states truthfully, worry is setting in.

"I'm sure he's fine, it's probably some type of confession." Landon tells, trying to relax her.

The moon is starting to reach its apex, which means Natalie would turn if it wasn't for her trusty ring.

Natalie suddenly groans in pain, shocking Landon who just sees her clutching her stomach. "Nat? Hey, are you okay?"

Natalie sticks her pointer finger up at Landon signaling to give her a second. She puts her finger down, then slowly nods, as the pain disappears. "Yeah, I'm good. I, uh, don't know what came over me." She finally speaks, lying.

The Other Waithe | Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now