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The Other Waithe / 1.09




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Natalie's eyes flutter open as she rubs her forehead, she slowly sits up ands begins to stand. Once doing some stretching and bone cracking she goes over to her closet, she grabs gray sweats and a shirt. After getting dressed she goes to her bathroom, throws water on her face, then brushes her teeth. She finally looks outside her window and sees darkness, must still be night. Maybe she could go and talk to Hope, no she's probably still sleeping. She goes down to the kitchen to get a blood snack, she starts to sip her bag.


The worker from the false gas leak goes and informs the guard that someone worked there and when he needs proof he shows her a photo and it shows Seylah wearing their symbol. Though he needs a code and the guard doesn't think he'll know it because he looks young, but he's proved wrong when the worker says the code.

Once he's let in he looks for a file. After a bit he finds it and learns some new things. The guard comes in to check on him, he says he was wrong and hides the file. He's showed out with the file under his coat.


 Natalie finishes her drink and throws it out.

"Hey, Nat!" MG greets coming into the kitchen.

"Oh, hey, MG. What's up?" Natalie looks over at the boy sipping her sink water.

"Nothing much." he goes into the blood fridge and pulls out a blood bag, "Just thirsty."

Natalie nods, "Fair."

"You?" MG questions.

"Woke up way too early and didn't go back to sleep." he nods sipping some blood. Natalie chugs the rest of her water, "I'll see you later. I'm going outside."

He smiles, "See ya!"

Natalie turns around and smiles before turning back around.


Pedro has a nightmare about a monster, once he wakes up, he screams waking up all the other kids.


Alaric and Hope talk about when the next monster will show up, then about the urns location, which Hope refuses to give. They have a mini argument and Hope wins in the end. Now they need to tell the school, which strikes the conversation of Landon and his mom, they change it to how they'll tell the school about their new relic.

The Other Waithe | Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now