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The Other Waithe / 1.06

"I slept with her."



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A woman in a wedding dress is roaming the halls, meanwhile Alaric is talking to Caroline about how he understands what she's doing is important but how is he suppose to tell the twins she's not gonna be there and he can't tell them the truth.

The woman in the dress starts to open a door, he tells Caroline things about the knife before the woman in a dress says his name causing him to look at her. Her dress had blood splatter on it and Alaric tells Caroline he'll call her back. Alaric calls Dorian in his office loading his crossbow, the woman who seems to be a bride holds her hands up, and Dorian runs in. The woman seems scared and Dorian asks who she is Alaric says how it's supposed to be the love of his life. 

The woman says her name is Jo and Dorian recognizes it and asks how she is his friends dead wife, fiancé. She says how she was just yanked here. Dorians ask if Alaric knows what he's thinking, Alaric says to shoot her before she attacks, Dorian says how he thinks they should interrogate her, he puts down the crossbow agreeing but no one can see her. He also needs Emma.


Emma sips her coffee, "So tell me about what happened when you walked Landon to the bus."

"Well, I gave him a bracelet incase of emergency so he can press it and I'll be alerted." silence takes over the two, "He kissed me."

Emma's face lifts up, "He did? Well, how do you feel about it?"

"I don't know, I mean I didn't kiss back."

"Well it must have been surprising so that could be why."

"No, it was a long kiss, enough time for me to kiss back but I didn't. I didn't want to."

Emma nods, "And why is that?"

"I don't know, I liked him, but those feelings don't seem to be there anymore."

"Okay." Emma nods, "Lets change the subject, shall we? What about Natalie?"

"What about her?"

"What do you think of her?"

"She's really nice, a good friend."

"Is that all?"

"She's really sweet. Understanding. I feel like can have a normal and fun conversation with her without out having to put my defenses up. When I'm around her I get this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. She's also gorgeous and I like the sound of her voice, it's soothing and calm, even when she's angry, or upset, or whatever. And her eyes, her eyes are this beautiful dark brown. I just like her in general."

The Other Waithe | Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now