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The Other Waithe / 1.07

"I've missed you, Wilson."



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It's the middle of the night, the streets are damp and still has water running through them. A woman walks in the empty streets, she looks like a mindless drone.


People are writing letters to lost loved ones for remembrance day, Rafael writes to Cassie.

Hope on the other hand is drawing The Necromancer.

"You're an amazing artist, Hope." Hope jumps at the sound of Natalie. "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine and thanks." Hope dismisses.

"What is it?" Natalie asks inspecting the drawing sitting next to the auburn.

"The Necromancer. Our newest monster. It has the ability of necromancy." Hope explains.

"Wait, it can bring back the dead?" Natalie questions.

"Yeah, but it can control whoever it brings back at any given moment."

Natalie nods, "Where is it?"

"In the transitional cellar."

"Can I go and see it?"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Oh, come on, Hope. I just want to see it." Natalie makes direct eye contact with Hope while smiling innocently, Hope feels butterflies fly through her stomach. She couldn't say no to her.

Hope sighs, "Okay. Fine. Follow me." Hope gets up and Natalie follows quickly behind.

They reach the cells, "Has anyone else seen it?" Natalie asks.

"Rafael saw it for like a second."

"Well then, I guess it's fair that I get to see it." Hope chuckles, Natalie walks through the door frame and sees the creature, "What the hell happened to its face?"

The Necromancer tilts its head at Natalie, it smirks but doesn't speak.

"I don't know, I think it always looked like that."

"Yeah, I saw it. Let's go." Natalie says walking away as Hope laughs.

The two go back to the couch, "Well after seeing it I can say that your art is not only amazing but accurate."

The Other Waithe | Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now