Birdbrain No. 1 & 2

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The next day, Maria woke me up at 8:00 a.m. It was way too early for my liking. I wanted to go on a rampage and play a game of Tag, but sadly, I wasn't allowed to, since there were other nobles here. I had to keep my image up. So begrudgingly, I got out of bed and started getting ready. I liked going into the bathroom myself, since I still felt awkward when someone else washed me instead. Ever since I was able to wash myself, I never let anyone else in the bathroom. Of course, during balls or other events, Mother made sure that the maids came in with me, but other than that, nothing.

I went into the bathroom and started showering. Honestly, I was glad that this world even had a shower, or else I'd have to take a bath everyday. I suddenly felt a gaze on me. I turned around and looked at the tinted window, but then the presence was gone. Ciaran...? Or... something else? I wondered, but I payed no heed in the strange incident.

After I finished preparing myself, I walked out of my dorm room. There were many people who instantly surrounded me. Are they actual admirers, or just those who seek a strong and powerful connection? I wondered as I kept walking and speaking with the horde of people. I finally arrived at the homeroom of Class S. I turned around to face the throng and smiled dazzlingly, as usual. And as usual, a few people fainted, a few people got bloody noses, and a few looked dizzy. My beauty can cause WWIII if I went back to Earth... I mused.

"It was wonderful to speak with you, Young Ladies and Lords. However, I am afraid we must part ways, as I need to enter my homeroom. Please, have a good first day, I hope you all have a wonderful time. I bid you adieu." I curtsied and walked away stylishly, entering the room with poise.

When I saw that there were some students in the classroom, I put my diplomatic and kindhearted facade back on and sat down. Scanning the classroom, I saw many familiar faces. There were four people in this class, including Aveline, in the book. All of the male leads, besides Ciar. But there are five other people besides me in the classroom now, and two of them... Ax, why are you here? Uh, the Idiot Prince. And... who is that orange haired guy? He... looks like Ciaran. Actually, his aura is exactly like Ciar's?

I approached the unfamiliar (ish) person in curiosity. "Excuse me, Young Lord." I curtsied and studied his expression. It was carefully concealed, and had no traces of surprise or alarm, just calmness and collectiveness. Curiouser and curiouser... how far can you go to conceal yourself, Ciar? I know it's you under there.

"You're very handsome." I looked at his face. His mask started to crack. Ha! I knew it, that phrase always works on Ciar. "You know, Young Lord..." I moved my face closer, but not too close lest it seem inappropriate, and added, "You are very handsome now, but you would look better with light blue hair. And a darker skin tone, perhaps." I critiqued his disguise and told him Ciar's features.

I could see Ciar starting to blush from my critiques and scrutiny. He really is not a good assassin, he can't even keep a disguise properly. I can now understand why he fell for Aveline, it turns out that he can't do his job properly. "Okay, I'm bored. See ya, Ciar." I told him before curtsying delicately and leaving to return to my seat.

Ciar looked surprised and he grabbed my arm before asking, "What?"

"Oh, excuse my manners, Young Lord." I returned back to my graceful front and smiled at him exquisitely. Ciar narrowed his eyes and returned back to his calm face. Does he still think I haven't seen through him? How interesting. "What might be your name? I am curious to know." I told him.

"...My name is Na-"

"Hi everyone! I'm Aveline, I hope we get along this year!" A (very unladylike and loud) pink fluff ball burst into the room jubilantly before taking a seat. Sigh. Standard Aveline.

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