The Beginning of Winter Break

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Prince Killian finally woke up. Unlike his usual self, he was dazed, his hair in a disordered mess. I breathed a sigh of relief. The airhead sat up, with his arm propping up his body as his big hand holding his forehead. After he remembered what had happened, and what he had seen, he started shivering and curling up in fright.

I paled. "It's okay, it's okay. You're safe now." I held his head against my chubby body and stroked his hair soothingly. "It's alright."

He breathed slow and deep breaths and nodded. "What happened?"

"Well, you followed me and I thought you were an S-rank monster, then I... um, I found you lying down on the dirt. You seemed scared, so I brought you here." We were in a clearing surrounded by brilliant and vibrate geraniums sprouting beautifully, waving in the breeze. After I finished cleaning him up and healing him, I moved him to a clearing in the woods in advance and waited for him to wake up.

"An S-rank... how did you even know I was following you? I was concealing my presence." He narrowed his eyes.

"I..." I couldn't think of a plausible excuse for such a forward question. I hesitated and trailed off.

"Mixu-" A loud roar sounded getting closer and closer to our hiding spot. Saved by the bell. I thought as I stood up and left him underneath the oak tree. "Wait. I'll come with you-" He tried standing up, but to no avail. His legs weakened and he collapsed back down on the spot.

"No, it's fine." I began to put on a burst of speed, trying to get away from the prince's view, but I was too late. The monster came into the clearing. Its perfidious and drunken actions were unpredictable, and its large shell was impenetrable. I don't know why, though, it kind of reminded me of Ninja Turtles, except like two times their height. Crap. I can't fight a B-class with that guy around. I'll have to run. I thought.

I turned back and grabbed the fairy prince and continued to run away from the Ninja Turtle before realizing that he was having trouble keeping up with my movements. Right. I scooped him up and princess carried him. But even with my superior physical strength and physical enhancement, I couldn't outrun the fast monster with baggage. I sighed and put him down. We were in the forest again. I could feel the turtle's steps coming towards me.

"Stay here, don't move." I warned before I zoomed forward towards the turtle with my little chubby body. I'll deal with him fast, hopefully out of the prince's sight. I drew out my katana (who I decided to name Glowy) and dealt a strike on the turtle's armor. It cracked, and the creature roared horrendously.

I grinned and released the aura of the sword. I immediately felt demonic energy rush out from the blade and chuckled. "Die, stupid duck." I told Ninja Turtle then pivoted and plunged the sword into the small crack in its shell. The demonic energy flowed into the body and horrid screams were heard before the monster went splat and blood spurted everywhere.

"Guh." I sheathed my sword back into my scabbard and took a look at my clothes and my face, filled with sticky warm black blood, and groaned. I waded through the broken bits of flesh that kind of looked like lamb tartare and grabbed the large stone in the middle of the pile. I should have just frozen this damn Ninja Turtle... but I haven't used Glowy in so long, I really wanted to try...

I jumped out of the blocks of flesh and moved to the direction where the prince was. "Let's go." I told him, revealing my clothes and face covered in black blood. The silly prince looked shocked for a second before nodding and attempting to stand up. His legs shook for a brief moment but soon returned to normal.

"Wait, how did you deal with an A-rank monster and come back so fast?"

"Oh, looks like you can walk now. Then there's no need for me to stay. See ya." I left after waving carelessly, but he grabbed my shoulder.

"Hey, why did you take care of me before? Oh, is it because you actually think of yourself as my friend~ awww, so touching~"

I shifted my eyes away and continued walking. I can't tell him it's because I feel bad casting the spell made for dumb monsters on him... I thought with my feet crunching the dry multicolored leaves with a crack. I tilted my head, with my sopping wet hair following me in clumps. Hmmm... I'm not usually this kind hearted. It looks like I actually like this idiot, then. I'm so stupid, aren't I. I mused.

"It's pretty impressive that you managed to kill the monster with Earth as your element." He responded casually, trying to catch up to my pace. What's that supposed to mean, bastard? Are you hating on Earth attributes? Huh? You wanna go? I don't know why I'm so protective of my Earth elements when I've got everything else. I don't know. Maybe it's because 'Mixuni' only has the Earth attribute, and I've started to dive into that identity.

"I mean, I have wind and nature, and it's still hard for me to defeat an S-class. With one common element, you're very talented."

Was it the 'talented' that broke the straw? Or was it the 'one common element'? Either way, he sounded very condescending. I hate condescending people. I hate them. "Shut it, fucker. I could have killed you, yet why didn't I just-" I stopped myself from going too far. It seems that I have a short fuse lately. I think that school's taking a lot out of me. I mused. "Sigh... never mind."

I rubbed my temples with a vexed and strained expression. "I hate socializing, so just leave me alone." I turned the other way, back to the clearing, and found that he was still following me.

"Mixuni~ don't be like that~ I wasn't trying to patronize you~ you're very talented."

"...I wanna kill someone..." I grumbled.


Final exams are over. And even though I couldn't lose Airhead, at least I was able to retrieve the mana stones I left behind in my space by saying I needed to go to the bathroom (but I'm pretty sure he felt my presence vanish once I stepped into those bushes).

I got a B-. A perfectly average grade, as expected of my perfect calculations. I really am the best, I can even figure out a standard person's grade. Hahahahaha, I'm so glad to have myself in my company, it's really the best. After final exams was winter vacation. I grinned. I like my whole shtick on behaviour and stuff, but I've been holding myself back for too long.

"Rain. Nex. Quinn. Zen." I called their names out and four shadows appeared before me. "We're going back home!"

"Master, I do not think that is a good idea."

"I second Nex's claim."

"I agree."

"As they said, Master, do you think that once you go back to the continent you will be able to return? The people closest to Master might..." Zen trailed off.

I puffed up my cheeks and pointed to his fabric covered face. "See, Zen, this is exactly why you're my least favorite!" Zen looked violated. "Fine, fine. I kind of wanted to travel around the Hollen Continent anyway."


"So, Miri, are you going back to your hometown in the Elf Kingdom for vacation?" Neri asked, leaning forward while watching me pack my (phony) luggages diligently.

"No." I bluntly replied.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to stay with my fourth cousin six times removed."

"T-the Elven King?"


"Can I visit?"

"If you can get in the gates."

Neri pouted, and her golden wolf ears flicked back and forth sullenly. I was so close to having a nosebleed from not touching it. Restraint is a virtue. Restraint. Restraint. I thought.

The reason I was lying about staying in the palace is because I didn't want annoying people trying to follow my escapade around the continent. It was just easier to say that I was in the palace, so they wouldn't try and intrude. I did the same with Theodore and the prince. It should be smooth sailing from now on.

I finished packing my bag and stood. "I'm leaving, bye." I walked out of the door and shut it behind me, leaving the pouting Neri behind to wallow in her friend's constant grumpiness.

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