The Kingdom of Mer

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"Where... am I?" The stupid Airhead prince looked around, puzzled.

I was left alone in my space with the handful called Killian, who was currently processing the situation at hand. Does he not know about my space? I wondered as he looked around the parlor room worriedly.

"Isn't this... the place we were in before?" He added, turning to me. Oh, that time when I knocked him unconscious and took him into my space. Right. I thought.

"You don't.... Know, do you." I smacked my head as I said those words.

"Know what?"

"Ahhh, shit."






So, he doesn't know?




I'm confused.

I was currently following Airhead around my mansion, trying to think of a plausible excuse for this situation. What was going on? Why did... he not know? If he didn't, how much does this doofus know? I hate my fucking life.

So far, I've gathered that he knows that I assaulted the prince. That he knows I have at least two attributes. That when he followed me during final exams and when he fainted, there was more than meets the eye. But I don't know anything apart from that.

I grilled him for information with my dull face. "Oh, so you were trying to hide that? I know you killed Ms. Svennal in that classroom. But how did you do it without a sound?! Weren't you slamming her up and down?! You weren't even touching her! Is it because of your air magic?!"


He knew?

All this time...

...Such a pain.

"Aw, shit."


So he knows. Why didn't he tell me before? You know, that explains why he approached me out of the blue. And it was so close to the Ms. Svennal Incident as well...

At least now I know that he still thinks I'm Mixuni. He doesn't know I'm Alice Novea, an heir to a dukedom. He thinks I'm special, but he doesn't know the full extent of it. That's good, right?

I led him out of a portal I created in another room, like I did the other day. I feel like there might be a better way to do it, but I figured it would probably be best to get him out of my space before he learns anything else that might be unnecessary. Like learning I have a dragon. Who's living inside a golden castle. Or learning that the dimension we were in then was actually mine.

You know, stuff like that.

We entered the Elven Palace through the portal. I tried to take of, back to my room, as soon as we got there, but it seems like that fucking airhead had other plans for me. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to who-knows-where-and-I-sure-don't-want-to-know.

But then it hit me. If he knew that I was powerful, then I could finally resist!

I used physical enhancement to stop myself from being dragged and shook him off from my arm. I took off the other way by flight and concealed my presence as much as I could from that fairy.

See ya, sucker!


I flew off to the Nueviana Port as soon as I left Killian, that airhead, in the dust. I knew that my shadows probably already predicted this and were following me now, so I didn't bother telling them. After four hours of flying, I finally stopped at my destination.

The port was bustling, filled with sailors and merchants. As expected of the trading hub of the east. I changed my appearance back to the beastgirl, Koro Ozeki. I landed on one of the rooftops and slid down the slanted tiles before doing a perfect front flip and landing on the stone tiled ground.

I bowed a few times for my nonexistent audience and giggled before skipping to the commercialized area.

Wow... so many... I thought as I pranced around the town. There were so many souvenirs. Necklaces made of pearls, seashells, scrolls, fish... I could hear the hollers and calls, the fish flopping from a new catch that just came in, the sound of the newborn babies crying as their mothers hoisted them along the crowded roads. The feeling of the environment around me felt like I was back in a wet market from Earth.

"Hey! Little miss over there! Would you care to try our samples on..."

"Three cods for five copper! Buy one and get one free!"

"Find the..."

I jumped up, above roads, across the crosswalks, and soon reached the shore. Thousands of mermen and merwomen were lying on the wooden planks. Some jumped into the sea while shapeshifting back into their forms, while others basked in the direct sunlight for the day. I looked at the sight in excitement.

It was my first time seeing a real-life mermaid with my own two eyes, thus, I couldn't help but ogle their magnificent, dazzling, and fantastical long fish tails.

It seems like I was noticed, as one of them shapeshifted back into human form and approached my short figure. "Hello, young girl!" A peppy teenager with - ehem - rather large watermelons approached me out of curiosity, putting her hands behind her back and leaning forward.

"Hello! Nice to meet you!" I responded cheerily. She giggled at my enthusiastic reply.

"You were eying our tails. Do you find us interesting?"

I nodded. I wish I had them. Even if I can use light magic to cast a high-grade tangible illusion, it's not enough to rewrite my genetic structure. So I can't have gills or go into the water freely. Sad life... "I wish I had such a cool tail like you, Sister!"

"Hahahaha! You're so cute~" The girl kya-ed out hard and I was on the verge of just getting rid of my little girl persona. Okay, that was fun. Now it's boring.

The Mer Kingdom has always been such a mystery to land dwellers. Other than people who have air and water magic, it was practically impossible to enter and stay alive. That's also why the mer have completely different cultures and customs, not to mention ten other completely different dialects, eight of which I don't even understand.

This was also the very reason I wanted to go into the Mer Kingdom so bad. It was basically still a mystery to me. Me, the prodigy of the century, the creator of physical enhancement and the katana, heir to the ducal house, etc.

I continued my small talk with the big sister earnestly before finally digging up a few things.

First off, the mers still haven't come up with a method to welcome non-sea dwellers or water and air mages with a massive mana capacity.

Secondly, the Kingdom of Mers is marvelously beautiful.

And third, I still want a tail.


I plunged into the sea. Although the big sister tried to stop me (she still thought I was a beastgirl, and beasts have no magic, after all), I ignored her and jumped into the deep blue.

I followed the trail of mermen and women, determined to dig up that hidden gem of a kingdom myself.


It was as magnificent as the people said. With bioluminescent, bubble-looking houses dotted around the entire kingdom, like stars in the sky. A large blue and green coral palace spiraled upwards, with towers and castles adorning the great walls that protected it against outsiders.

I gasped, awestruck, before coughing and shaking my head. Ahhh, using air and water magic to breathe underwater is so weird, I feel like I'm drowning and jumping at the same time... I thought as I used gravity magic to propel my way closer to the spectacular kingdom.

Hmmm... what shall I do first?

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