Chapter 4

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I have nothing to say sooooo just read XP


Chapter 4

Someones POV

“Are you two ready to do your mission?”

The man and the woman who stood infront of me nodded.

“What is it that you must do?” I asked making sure they knew.

“To bring pain towards the girl and memories she wishes to erase” They replied in unison, their dark brown eyes were lifeless… perfect, just as I want them.

“Good,” I grinned “Bring her to me, I want her alive… but if you can, Kill the mutt!”

“Yes sire”

Jacoby POV

Holy shit I did not expect that.

I looked at her wide eyed “W-What?”

“What you heard. I believe I’m becoming human” She said.

“Why do you think that?”

“It’s true what you said, I haven’t been drinking blood in weeks., I tried but I vomit, and the smell… it doesn’t smell good anymore, it smells disgusting and tastes as it smell… I’ve becoming weak.”

“An-and,” She closed her eyes and whimper “And I’m so hungry Jay”

It broke my heart as she said that, she hasn’t eaten? For weeks? She could have died!

“Why didn’t you told me sooner?!” I growled.

She open her eyes and looked at the ground “I was afraid”

“Afraid of what?!”

“Obstacles are like wild animals.  They are cowards but they will bluff you if they can.  If they see you are afraid of them or weak...” She trailed off.

“they are liable to spring upon you” I finished, I knew that it was a saying by Orison Swett.

“But what does this have to do with you being afraid?” I asked her confused.

She sighed “If people see me eating, they will get suspicious and think I’m human or something, and that I’m weak, they will they will use this as an opportunity because right now I’m weak and they will strike.”

Oh now I know why she’s like that.

“Oh, anyway, come on, you’re going to eat.”


“Kitchen duh, just come on, no one is here anyway, they are training and shits” I said pulling her out of the room.

Blaze POV

“So what do you want?” He asked, looking in the fridge.

I shrugged my shoulders “I don’t know, I don’t even know what’s food for you people!” I exclaimed.

He laughed “What about fries and egg?” he suggest.

“Are eggs the white ovular thing chicken pop out of the butt? And fries? What’s that?” I asked him, really really confused, hey! Don’t look at me like that! I’m a vampire! I don’t eat! So why should I know what is suppose to be eaten and what not?!

HE laughed again, but louder “Y-uo! Don’t k-now what e-g-eggs or fries are?” He choked out.

I glared at him with as much hatred as possible “Just make it, or did you forgot why we were here in the first place?” I asked, something clicked inside of him because he instantly shut up and went to work.

“I’ve had the time of my life and I’ve never felt this way before…  and I swear, this is true and I owe it all to you” I started to sing randomly as he cooked.

“There’s a place in the dark where the animals go, You can take off your skin in the cannibal glow, Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands, Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands, Romeo”

“You do know, Gerald Way is alive?” Jacoby asked.

My eyes widen “Seriously?! He must be in he’s nineties!” I exclaimed

He chuckled “Actually, he’s a werewolf”


“Yes way” HE answer putting the- well what is suppose to be called eggs and fries- in front of me


“We can see him tomorrow, right now, it’s time to check about what you told me, I have a theory about it” He said, he was facing the sink,  that’s when I smelled it.

For the first time, it smelled disgusting but I still knew what it was “Why you did it?” I asked as my eyes turned black (A/N or was it red? Blah I’ll check it later and fix it XP).


Hope ya like it!

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