Chapter 18 Last Chapter

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I'm soooooooo sorry I disappeared ;-; , forgive me... I AM JUST A HUMAN, Spare me TT-TT

Sorry, life problems gets to me and I tend to shut down from the world


ANd sorry this chapter is kind of in a hurry but I needed to get it finished fast, to start the next one as soon as possibleeeee!!

Well, hope you enjoy anyway XD


Chapter 18

Another month has passed….

Blaze is now six month pregnant and we are worried because we don’t know if she will give birth by wolves or human days. Meaning if she has to wait 9 months or… now. We already got the twin’s room ready in case. It’s next to our room, but for the first few days, they are going to sleep in our room with us, we already set up a baby crib. And another thing I’m worry about… She is hiding something. I know she is. Something else they did to her over there.

But let leave that for later.

Blaze is doing better now. She isn’t bother by other people touching her like the first few days of her coming back, she flinched and whimpered every time they stepped too close too comfort. And her nightmares are disappearing; she had them every night, now it’s once a week or none at all.

Oh yea and Emily, my deceased brother’s mate decided to move to the pack house with her son, Jacob.

About the traitor… I’m keeping it on the low, no one knows there’s a traitor, I can’t trust anyone. Can’t risk it but for now, I’m using the ravens to watch who leaves the area suspiciously.

“Jayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy” Blaze whined “Me and Silkia are hungry, give us some foooooooodddddddd” Silkia giggled beside her from the couch. I growled lowly on my throat, two pregnant women, I can barely deal with one. “Here” I snapped at both of them, giving them each a plate of food. At last I can relax.

“Jay?” Oh no….

“Where’s our drinks?” Blaze asked innocently.

I gritted my teeth’s “I’ll get them now, honey”

“Love you too” She called after me as I walked to the kitchen.

“Here and don’t ask for anymore” I mumbled, giving them the drinks and finally sitting down.

“Don’t you have work to do?” Blaze asked as she took a bite of her food.

“No, I finished all work yesterday. I’m free for the weekend” I answered happily.

“Alpha sir, the reports you asked for came in right now they are in your office” my third in command appeared at the door way. “I think you better start working right away”

“You got to be fucking kidding me, what kind of day is this?” I groaned.

“A fucked one” Blaze and Silkia snickered. A shot them a look making them laugh.

10 hours later…..

“There goes my day” I hissed when I finished the work. “Fuck!” I growled hitting the desk with my fists. The hell is wrong with me today? 

Book Two: My Child ~War Of The Immortals series~Where stories live. Discover now