Chapter 6 : Feel the same

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N a t h a n . P O V

Jeremiah, konane and I ran to the edge of the roof top, what we saw below frightened us ,"guys ..............what if?..............." Jeremiah said , he didn't have to finish his sentence for me to know what he meant "come on , let's check on him , konane call an ambulance" I tried to sound calm but I just couldn't and by how shaky my voice sounded one could tell I was faking , but how was I supposed to be calm? My best friend just attempted suicide , every single holiday we spent together, all the sleep overs we had , everything Started replaying itself in my head , I started to hyperventilate, but I tell myself to calm down . I turned around and saw Yeri , she showed no emotion on her face ,she looked unfazed by what just happened , she didn't even look sad, ,"come on" I said as I grabbed her hand and we all made our way to the basketball court, were Liam dropped .

We got there and we all kept a distance from his body , Yeri was the first to move close to him , her being the only one who can verify whether his okay or not . She crouched down, grabbed Liam's wrist and checked for a pulse and then slightly licked her finger and placed it near his nostrils, she looked relieved, does that mean ?......."his okay , he's heart's beating and he's still breathing " I then suddenly dropped to the ground and held my head , all the stress and anxiousness I felt was gone....... to an extent "what time will the ambulance get here?" ,"Soon enough" just when konane said that we heard sirens .

The medics put Liam on a stretcher and took him to the nearby hospital for examinations, we decided to follow and along the way I called Liam's parents .

We were now waiting for news from the doctor when I heard someone call my name , I turned to my Left and saw Liam's mom speed walk towards me with a worried face , I stood up and she gave me a tight hug "you don't need to always be strong Nate " and with words so simple but effective, I broke into tears . Liam's mom is like my second mother, she know's me better than I know myself , that's how close Liam and I were , even our families couldn't help but join as one because of us . The thought of losing Liam then hit me , even though I was mad at him , he was still my best friend, actually his more than that , he's my brother , I can't imagine what I would do if I had to lose him  .

Y e r i. P O V

For the first time ever, I saw Nate in a
vulnerable state , it was different from his usual composed and isolated self . I turned to konane and Jeremiah and they didn't look that good either, but I get it , I would be absolutely broken too if someone who was as close as a brother to me was on the verge of death . The doctor came out of Liam's hospital room and he looked rather ................. disturbed , Liam's dad was holding his mom in his arms ,she looked so beautiful despite her broken State , Nate then came next to me and he too looked broken, he needed some comfort so I held his hand , he looked at me and gave me a small smile , his attention then went to the doctor .

"Doctor is my son going to be ok?" Liam's dad finally spoke , the doctor looked the same , tense and disturbed "well he suffered a terrible head concussion and he has few broken bones , including a cracked rib . He didn't break anything important but his head concussion is another story , he hit his head pretty bad on the concrete of the basketball court , we gave him some painkillers to help but-" the doctor then paused making everyone anxious , as a med student I had an idea of where he was going with this , I just hope I'm not right "we did what we could, now the rest is left to him" everyone was shocked  and confused , but I wasn't , sadly I was right "he's in a comma" I said as Nate looked at me and he looked , well I can't even describe it , he looked sad , confused and angry at the same time , he maintained eye contact with me and everything around us phased out , I could hear Liam's mom cry even louder than before and Jeremiah's curses to himself  but the sounds where muffled , I felt his hand get shaky , I heard his heart beat quicken and I saw a tear drop from Nate's eye as the doctor continued to speak "you must be a medical student at Princeton , students from there are always quick at analysing" The Doctor said , letting out a small laugh but soon composed himself, "but sadly, you're right , the boy's in a comma , we will try our best to do anything to help him out of it , but only he can do that " ,"thank you doctor" Liam's father said as the doctor soon walked away .

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