Chapter 23 : Petty

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of little importance; trivial.

A m i t o l a . POV

Of course, Benjamin just had to be here , "mind explaining why he's here Nate?" Yeri asked as she kept glaring at Benjamin , considering she's aware of his pursuit for a relationship with her already taken friend, I understood why she was giving him such a look , "well he asked if he could help us out and looking at how many people we're getting, I assumed we could use an extra hand, that's okay with everyone one.....right?" Nate replied , "oh ABSOLUTELY! we need more help , don't we Amitola?" Jeremiah said with a smug look , oh so that's how we're going to play. "I don't mind it , we do need help with taking the orders" I responded smirking right back at Jeremiah , if he thought I was going to break , he should think twice , "really?! ......I mean..... really! Great" Jeremiah said with his jaw tightened , he's irritated and that's a win in my book . I was so focused on Jeremiah that I didn't notice the shocked expression on Yeri's face , "okay let's get to work everyone, I'm just going to have a talk with Amitola" She said dragging me away as I heard Jeremiah welcome Benjamin to the team .

We were now a few meters away from the tent where no one could hear us and Yeri finally let go of my hand , "Amitola what are thinking!!?" Yeri whisper yelled , "what , we need more help" , "I know that,but help from the guy who literally has a crush on you and is probably only here to shoot his shot!?" She continued , I get where she's coming from , I was the one who was doing my very best to stay miles away from the guy and now here I am allowing him to get close to me , "look Yeri , you won't understand this but Jeremiah and I are currently having a tiny battle" I said as she looked at me like I was crazy , she then placed her fingers on the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes in disbelief, "let me guess ..... you two irritated eachother. You tried to use Lara to annoy him into yelling and embarrassing himself in front of her as a form of revenge but that didn't work and now that Benjamin is here and Jeremiah probably plans to use him to annoy YOU , you want to prove to him that you can withstand I right?" She replied placing her hands on her hips , now I was the one looking at her in disbelief and from my face she could tell she was right , "you guys are so petty it makes me wonder if you're actually adults" she said massaging her temples , "anyways, good luck trying to avoid him now, I have my own things to worry about, like-" and just before she finished her sentence , "Yeri , Babe!" Yeonjun yelled , " him" she finished as she uttered a small 'good luck' to me and walked away .

"Okay Jeremiah, game on" I said to myself as I tied my hair up into a ponytail , folded up my sleeves and made my way to victory!

Y e r i . POV

Walking over to Yeonjun , I did my best to plaster on a fake smile , "Jisoo's looking for you and Amitola to help her take orders" he said with a smile on his face , man ,Yeonjun is an INCREDIBLY handsome guy and it just sucks that he has feelings for someone who doesn't reciprocate them .

We got back to the tent and just then he placed his hands around my waist , halting me , "your apron's loose" he said as he tightened the knot of my apron , I gave him a slight smile but then he suddenly kissed my cheek, I was shocked by this unexpected gesture but even more shocked when I heard one of the dishes drop , I turned in the direction of the noise and noticed that it was Nate and he was looking at us with a noticeable cold gaze in his eyes before he picked up the dish and made his way in the opposite direction . Just great.

The time was 2 PM and we were exhausted but atleast now everyone was used to how fast paced things were going , we were working like a well oiled machine, "I give up!" Nate said as he plopped down onto one of the chairs , he had been making so many trips to the grocery store and it's clearly been taking a toll on him , "see if only you would accompany me on my morning runs and trips to the gym you wouldn't be this exhausted" Konane spoke as he got a cloth and whipped his wet hands. Nate gave Konane a glaring look which in my opinion looked more cute than intimidating , I couldn't help but let out a little laugh , Nate seemed to have heard it and turned to face me , a slight smile appeared on his face but quickly faded , my eyebrows furrowed in confusion until I heard someone behind me , "Hey Yeri , Mr Choi said we can take a break , wanna go get a smoothie down the street" he said wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on my shoulder , my eyes widened and my mouth fell agape when I noticed Nate tighten his jaw and roll his hands into fists with the coldest look I've ever seen on his face and on impulse I pulled myself away from yeonjun and turned to look at him , "Su-Sure" WHY DID I STUTTER! ,
" Were you that nervous.........again?" Yeonjun asked in a teasing tone , this man! This wasn't the first time this happened, for some reason every time Yeonjun attempted to show his affection towards me , Nate would always be there to notice it , from the kiss a couple hours ago to the frequent attempts to hold and or hug me . I can only imagine how irritated he must be feeling right now .

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