Chapter 25 : Untimely

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(of an event or act) happening or done at an unsuitable time.

K o n a n e . POV

The apartment was deafeningly quiet, Nate and Jeremiah were out and I had no interest in turning on the tv or even looking at my phone , though I'm glad we managed to raise more than enough, my mind was too focused on the events of earlier, her words still lingered in my mind . She's seeing someone . The one girl I was actually considering to start something serious with was seeing someone , "you're turning 23 in two months Mr Aka and you're still single?" I said as I sighed and stood up to go to bed before my phone rang , it was Lara . I had gotten her phone number from Jeremiah who willingly gave us her contact saying that it's best we have it so whenever his phone is off we can call her to speak to him, apparently he'll be spending a lot more time with her now .

I answered the call and before I could say hello Lara spoke , well more like yelled , "HE HAS BEEN SHOT!!" She screamed in distress , I didn't really understand what she meant though , "I'm sorry but what do you mean 'he has been shot'?" I asked as she quickly answered, "JEREMIAH'S BEEN SHOT!!! BY AN ACTUAL FREAKING BULLET!!!" She once again shouted and that's when it hit me . HE HAS BEEN SHOT! , "Call an ambulance right now!!!!" I yelled before I quickly cut the call , grabbed my car keys and left the apartment . My first thought was to go call Amitola and so I quickly used the stairs to get to her floor .

Without hesitation I stared banging on her door before she opened it and rubbed her eyes , "What the-.......*sigh* Konane what do you want?" She tiredly asked , "Jeremiah's been shot!" , "What!!?" She yelled as her eyes got wider every second , processing what she had just heard , she cursed before going in and grabbing her phone and a hoodie and called Yeri , but luckily her and Nate were standing by the elevator door as it opened, we quickly ran in and dragged them in too as I frantically pressed the floor button , this didn't go unnoticed by them , "what's going on?" Yeri quietly asked , I turned to face her and noticed that her eyes were puffy , was she crying? I looked at Nate and noticed that his shirt was slightly damp , I guess she was. "Jeremiah's been shot!" Amitola rapidly said before the elevator door opened and we ran out to the parking lot, not giving Nate or Yeri any time to react , "he's Been what!?" Nate growled , he sounded shocked , scared and pissed at the same time , "Just get in!" I said as I got in and started the engine , I called Lara and she told us that Jeremiah had been taken to a hospital a few blocks away , why didn't they take him to the hospital Liam was at!?  It's way closer and that would lessen the chances of him losing a lot of blood! THOSE IDIOTS! I did my best to keep my cool and focus on the road , getting glances at the others in the mirrors, Nate was in the passenger seat aggressively tapping his foot on the car floor as he muttered multiple cuss words , something he usually doesn't do , Amitola and Yeri were in the back . Amitola looked like she was ready to kill whoever shot Jeremiah while Yeri was in visible shock , that being a shock in of itself .

We got to the unfamiliar hospital and ran over to the ER where we found Lara crying with her hands completely covered in blood , Nate stopped at the sight "that's ......that's his blood?" I heard him whisper, when Lara heard footsteps, she lifted her head as she staggered towards us and Amitola quickly embraced her as she broke out in tears . I badly wanted to ask what happened so I can know who did this and make sure they get what they deserved but I could tell Lara was not in the mental state to answer my questions , but Nate had other plans . "WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED!" Nate demanded walking over to Lara who didn't answer him , making him even more impatient, "I said WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED!!" He growled , even Louder than before , I aggressively grabbed his arm to move him away from Lara , "can't you freaking see she's not in her right state of mind to answer your damn questions!!!" I shouted as I noticed the tears in his eyes and felt his arm shaking , his breathing became unsteady and he begun hyperventilating , "why......why is it always us!??" He said dropping to the floor , leaning his back on the wall .

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