Chapter 37 : Fool

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•a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.

Y e r i . P O V

I just couldn't believe what Jeremiah said.

How is it that 3 out of 5 of my closest friends all believed I was being gaslit.

Did they really think I couldn't notice it on my own if it were happening.

I kept walking around trying to spot Yeonjun but the crowd made it hard to find him. Luckily his height helped me out.

I walked towards the tall figure and found him in a quite secluded area behind some stands , he was still on the phone.

I decided to turn around and leave since he was still busy but something caught my ear.

"I'm just with her and her dumb friends............yeah she still thinks I've forgiven her" he said before laughing at presumably a joke that was made by the person on the other side of the call.

Me and my dumb friends?

"Still thinks I've forgiven her"

I decided to stay and silently move in a little closer , just to make sure that what I heard was not actually true.

Because it just couldn't be.

"......yeah , y'know getting her so attached to me was much easier than I thought it would be, like she doesn't suspect a thing , I'm kinda disappointed because I expected more from her.............." He continued.

Was he talking about me?

".........oh don't worry about it , I have no intentions in re-establishing any kind of relationship with her or even forgiving her..............."

My eyes widened.

But he said..........he said he forgave me .

Was he lying?!

I stayed and waited to listen to anything else he had to say.

"............. c'mon, trust me! I have no interest in this girl......babe look....."

Babe? He has a girlfriend?!

"...... y'know just how hurt I was , all I want is for both her and that boy of hers to feel as bad as they made me feel, it's not fair for me to go through so much and for them to have some happy relationship.....................yeah , I just need her to get more dependent's not manipulative , I'm simply trying to get even.....okay maybe it is manipulative" he laughed

My chest tightened

" wanna know what's funny , her crush , Nate , yeah well he told her I'm manipulating her and she completely refused to believe the guy..................I know , man , I could only imagine how he must've felt , oh how I wish I could've seen his face when she picked my side and not his....." He continued to laugh.

My mouth fell agape.

"...........yeah , to be honest I feel bad for the guy , you would think she would be even a little willing to listen to him considering how much she claims to "have feelings for him" , like it's just so pitiful.........."

My breath hitched

I could now feel my eyes get watery

"..........Nah , I don't think she'll find out anytime soon , I just want to make sure that by the time I leave, there's irreversible damage to their relationship"

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