Chapter 28 : Birthday (Part 2)

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K o n a n e . POV

"We should go get some smoothies, who's in?" Amitola asked as everyone agreed , we were all currently seated in the university park doing some school work, the large park was filled to the brim with young uni students either studying or going about their lives care free of what they'll get for mid terms , which were next week so all of us were putting in our all . "Okay so three Strawberry banana smoothie's for the girls , a chocolate shake for Nate and a Caramel for Jeremiah, is that all?" I asked as I typed their orders , "ooh! Some muffins would be nice!" Lara said raising her hand , "I would like some muffins" Jeremiah added as I added muffins to listen and made my way to Dairy purée, which became the new hot spot for all the students while Mr and Mrs Choi's new Café was still under construction.

I arrived and as expected I was met with a long line , I sighed before I got my phone out my pocket and texted the guys that it would take a little longer than expected for their smoothies . Finally getting to the front of the line , I was met with a familiar face , a face I personally didn't want to see, "hi Konane!" Zaina greeted , I decided to ignore her and just stare at the menu board to choose which muffins I should get, call me petty but she was the one who decided that I was no one to her yesterday, if I'm no one to her then she's no one to me , "I'll have 2 3-packs of banana muffins, 3 strawberry smoothies , 2 chocolate shakes and 1 caramel smoothie to go" I plainly said as she froze and just stared at me , "can you please hurry up! Some of us are already late for class!" Someone from the back yelled before Zaina got back to her senses and punched in my order , I made my payment as I waited . Once my order was done , I got everything and made my way back to campus , until someone called my name , "Konane over here!" I turned around and spotted Jake seated with his friends at one of the tables, I walked over and noticed that majority of the Princeton Tigers were here , My body stiffened but I couldn't let it be noticeable , "Hey guys , this is the dude I was talking about!" Jake said with a smile on his face , "hey , I'm Konane" I introduced , "well you look promising , Lewis , nice to meet you" Lewis , the teams Full back , his British accent was very noticeable. Jake introduced me to everyone and I honestly felt at home dispite only meeting these guys. They were planning on going to play a short game and if it weren't for the muffins and smoothies I had to deliver I would've joined them .

Before I left I bumped in Zaina who seemed to have finished her shift , "why do I always have to bump into you" I said with an annoyed tone, she looked a bit sad though, she didn't say a word and just walked passed me , probably to Jake and the others .

Personally I have a really big issue with people who pretend that they don't know you or that you've never met . It's basically cutting ties without the other persons consent and out of every single kind of person on the earth.... I hated those kind of people the most .

I got back to the park and noticed how everyone had their laptops shut and their books closed , they were currently hurdled up talking and the moment they saw me they kept quiet, dispersed back to their original seats and got on their laptops. Something's off .

"So! The!" Jeremiah said as everyone gave him confused looks , yeah something is definitely off , I chuckled before deciding to play along , "what about the apple?" , "Konane! You're here! And with the smoothies , great!" Amitola cheered grabbing the stuff from me as she snuck a nasty look towards Jeremiah, one I noticed but decided to not make it obvious that I did . I knew they were probably talking about the birthday dinner they had planned , how did I now? Because Jeremiah sucks at keeping secrets and considering I sleep in the same room as the dude , I caught on pretty fast .

I didn't want to ruin their efforts though , so I just kept acting like I didn't know anything . "Yeri!" We heard someone call , the voice sounded awfully familiar. "Yeonjun?" Yeri said looking behind as all our eyes were now focused on the tall and slender figure making its way towards us , Amy , Jeremiah and I eyed eachother before our sights landed on Nate , whose eyes became as cold as ice with his jaw now tightened . Oh well , it was peaceful while it lasted .

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