Chapter 33 : Brother

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N a t h a n . P O V

I froze.

I couldn't think of anything, I couldn't do anything.....

I couldn't say anything.

The person I had long called my Brother , was awake.

"You're not going to say something?" Liam asked , only now did I realise he had been staring at me.

It had been 4 months since we last spoke and it just sucks that our last conversation was an argument, I wondered how we could fix that up, I wondered if we could forgive each other. But that wasn't something I wanted to know right now.

"...........Why....." I begun , trying my best not to let out the tears I had been holding in for so long, "Why did you make us go through that............4 months , 4 WHOLE MONTHS!" I yelled as my voice cracked , I noticed his eyes soften, "I thought I would lose another brother.......I thought......I wouldn't get the chance to talk to you again, even when the nurses said you were getting better I had questioned it!" I walked over and sat by the edge of his bed. I could feel his gaze following me as I made the movement.

"But here you are...........awake from your little slumber" I couldn't hold it in , I cried. I never told anyone just how anxious I felt about this whole thing, I know we were all affected by it but words can't describe how much I went through, the times I sat on his bed in our room reminiscing about our younger years , the times I would read his books just so we could have more to talk about when he woke up , the times I regreted ever bringing up the issue of race around him because I knew for a fact that if I didn't, he would've never gone through all this.

I felt I was too blame.

"I'm sorry....." Liam said , getting me out of my thoughts.

I looked at his face and I could see the sadness in his eyes . His overgrown messy hair and now medium sized facial hair made me pity him even more . He looked messed up and the sadness on his face made it worse.

"You look terrible" I quietly said , before he started to laugh, that reminded me of just how childish his laugh sounded. It put a smile on my face and soon I begun to laugh too.

"Y'know......over the past 4 months, when you guys visited me , I felt...... comfort. I don't know if you're informed, but I was completely aware of everything that was going on around me. Everytime you guys stepped into the room and began talking about what was going made me feel like I wasn't in the state I was in. Ofcourse I felt lonely everytime you guys left , but with how frequent you all visited, it was a temporary feeling. It shocked me to be even after what I said to you guys, you all still visited .........You still talked to talked to me like nothing ever happened........Thanks"he expressed, I could sense the sincerity in his voice.

Wait....he heard everything, "you heard everything we said?" I asked , "yeah , you guys weren't aware?" He replied smiling . "I guess that means you know what happened while you were out" I spoke looking at the hospital ceiling , "yep........the fundraiser, Jeremiah's new girlfriend, Amitola's new friend.........and you and Yeris' situation , I'm all caught up" he simply responded.

Did we really talk THAT much whenever we visited him?

"I was honestly looking forward to giving you a little life update but I guess it won't be necessary" I muttered, "You still Yeonjun guy..........want me to deal with him?" , "Like you can" I replied, causing Liam to chuckle.

We sat in silence until the door opened, revealing a rather nervous Amitola, "Amy-" Liam whispered, "I'll leave-" I said , about to make my leave before Liam stopped me , "no , please call everyone in , there's something I have to say to you guys." I looked at Amitola and she lightly nodded before calling the others in.

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