Chapter 9: Who is she?

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N a t h a n . P O V

The others left and it was just Yeri and I , I looked at her and her eyes were watery and from nowhere she gave me a hug , a tight one if I my add ,I was in shock but I soon hugged her back ,"don't scare me like that!" Her saying that shocked me , I've noticed that she doesn't really show her emotions so this reaction took me by surprise . She let go and looked me in the eyes, usually something like this would make me uncomfortable but I didn't want to break the stare ,"so , the café?" I asked as she kept looking at me, ever since I woke up that had been the only thing on my mind, why? Because it was a family business, one I believe was one of the family's sources of income ,"it's gone" when she said that I felt bad , not just because they had amazing food but because of the twins and their family , yeah their parents still have jobs that will help sustain them, but every time we went there I could tell that the café meant a lot them , it was part of their family.

"There has to be something we can do for them right?" I asked as Yeri was now seated next to me , she grabbed my hand and begun playing with the ring on my index finger , it was weird at first but it soon felt comforting and ......right ,"I don't think we can do anything Nate" I sighed at her response , suddenly she stood up ,"wait , why don't we do a fundraiser?!" A fundraiser? My eyebrows furrowed as she caught on. "Look. We can look for a hall to hold the event or we can even hold it at the park with a bunch of decorations , Konane can help Jin and jisoo's parents with the baking , we can help serve poeple and take orders and we can even have cute matching outfits!" she said with the biggest smile on her face , she looked so determined ,"what do you think?" She asked me ,"sounds like a solid plan," ,"yay!" She said in excitement , I chuckled at how optimistic she was but at the same time felt like she was getting too ahead of herself "Yeri how sure are that they will agree though , I mean , all their hard work was destroyed , they need some time to heal don't you think?" She looked at me , all her excitement and enthusiasm for this fundraiser was gone but not completely ,"I guess you're right, but we should ask them , you never know" ,I nodded as I asked another thing that was on my mind "hey have you checked on Yeonjun?" I asked , Yeonjun seemed like a genuinely nice person, I hope nothing bad happened to him ,"oh ,I did last night before we left . He's okay , he feels a bit dizzy when he stands up but he's getting better , I can tell " that relieved me honestly , I didn't want anyone to get badly hurt and I'm glad no one did .

We continued talking and I realized just how comfortable we got with each other over a short period of time "Do the police have an idea of who did this?" ,"they actual know who" she responded , I was surprised that they found the person or people who did that this fast , I looked at Yeri though and she had an unamused face "the thing is , they don't want to look for him" , "what the-" ,"yeah I know , how pathetic , it was a hate crime by the way" once again humanity had disappointed me , it's a shame that people can't live in harmony with others dispite differences in ethnicity , as someone who was raised Christian , I was always taught to love everyone no matter what and it made me angry to think that people make it seem that loving people is hard , I mean yeah , some people ARE hard to love but not all . I looked at Yeri and she looked irritated , so am I Yeri . "So , when are you getting discharged?" ,"Today actually, I just need some clothes , I hoped you guys would bring me some " I said as realization hit her ,"we totally forgot , I guess we were just really excited to see you that we forgot about that , wait can you stand?" She asked as I stood up "I believe you know the answer now " she stood up and only then did I realize the height difference, the top of her head only reached my chin . She then walked over to the door ,"I'll bring you some clothes, see you later Nate" I smiled at her as she went out .

I sat on my bed as I waited for the nurse . She arrived and greeted me ,
"I was wondering, is it alright if I can visit my friend , he's in a room above us" I asked as she looked at me ,"may I know his room number?" ,"234" I said as she looked through her book repeating "234" as she flipped through the pages,"ah yes , 234 , Liam Davis , brought in just 2 days ago , in a com-" she stopped as she looked at me ,"I'm sorry , you must still be hurting" ,"no it's okay , can I visit him?" she nodded as I stood up and she took me to his room .

I was in his room and it was just me and him , I walked over to his bed side and sat there. "you know , you're lucky that I haven't drawn a beard and glasses on your face by now" I laughed as I said that ,remembering the pranks we would pull on each-other when we were younger , "Amitola and your parents miss you , we all do. So make sure to keep that in mind we want you to wake up Liam" I turned and looked at him , his head covered by a bandage with a blood stain , "its pretty dull without you . even though we have our differences , you're still my best friend " I said hoping that he could atleast hear me . I got up and saw the nurse standing outside the door .

Y e r i. P O V

I was in Nate and Liam's room going through Nate's closet , he had a lot of clothes for your typical guy and great style if I may add . Everything was neatly placed with shirts , pants and shorts , Jackets , sweaters and shoes all placed in separate areas . What shocked me the most was the number of Jordans he had, come to think of it he only wears Jordans , " he must love them" , "he collects them too actually" I jumped as I heard someone's voice behind me , I turned around and saw Jeremiah leaning by the door with a smirk on his face ,"so, you and Nate ey?" What does he mean.......wait did Amitola tell him?! ,"I don't know what you are talking about" I said hoping it would work ,"you and him are really made for each other both of you like to act oblivious when you're pushed into a corner. now speak" I rolled my eyes, I guess it's time to come clean ,"I have feelings for Nate okay , happy" ,"I knew it!" I raised my eyebrows in confusion, that wasn't Jeremiah ,"Dang it!" Now that was Jeremiah, wait then who was- ,"I told you !" Konane said as he came into the room , what does he mean? "Now pay up!" Konane said as Jeremiah sighed in defeat ,"fine" Jeremiah took out his wallet and handed konane a twenty dollar bill , hold on- ,"wait , you guys made a bet? , ON MY FEELINGS?!" They were quiet with their eyes wide open and suddenly ,"it was his idea" they said simultaneously as they pointed at eachother .

"It's okay , I need to take Nate a change of clothes, his being discharged today" they nodded. As they were about to leave , I remembered something Nate had said yesterday at the café before the incident , he has his eyes on someone ,"konane, Jeremiah, does Nate have feelings for someone?" I asked as they looked at eachother ,"not sure but don't worry , I bet Jeremiah a hundred bucks he has feelings for you too" ,"you wanna bet?" Jeremiah said as I looked at him , he finally realized what he said,"not that he doesn't have feelings for you , he obviously does " he said trying to defend himself .

They left and I was done packing Nates' clothes , but a question was on my mind ,"who's this girl he has eyes on?"

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