Chapter 39 : Boundaries

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Plural : Boundaries
•Something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent

K o n a n e . POV

"There's no way YOU made these!" Jake exclaimed, the already existing smile on my face growing even larger , "Have you considered turning this into a business on campus, like catering?" knightly asked , the teams Running Back

"Yeah! You could make so much money out of this!" Lewis added , "I'll definitely consider it" I replied rubbing the back of my neck. I felt flattered.

Contrary to what is usually said about these guys , they were surprisingly extremely down to earth , polite and respectful , Rumours on campus say otherwise, majority calling them conceited and rude without any evidence.

"In no way do I mean this in an offensive way but you guys are actually nicer than I expected " I said , "don't worry, everyone says that when they meet us, I don't know why but it seems out of all the teams on campus it's always us who get stereotyped" , replied Markham, who was the coaches assistant and a 4th year mechanical engineering major.

"Right! Just yesterday I found out people were saying I cheated on Skyler , me! A cheater?!" Major , Lewis' twin brother said , his comment instantly making everyone laugh , "so what did Skyler say?" Jake asked , "she almost broke up with me!" Major replied , once again everyone erupted in laughter.

We were seated on the bleachers next to the Feild taking a break from the friendly game we had.

The team seemed to love my muffins but I hope they weren't the only thing that impressed them, in no way do I want to take advantage of them but getting a recommendation from ANY of them to the coach would increase my chances of getting picked next year.

I just hope my skills impressed them.

"Well , I should get going, almost time for my study date" Jason , the youngest person on the team said , he wasn't just the youngest on the team though , he was also the youngest med student in the school, he's only 18! In his 4th year of med school.

Yep he got accepted when he was 15 years old.

"Is it with that comp sci girl?" The OTHER Jason asked with a smirk on his face , "the one who made him an app for valentines?" Major enthusiastically asked , "Yep" Jason proudly answered , "Go get her!" Jake added making all of us laugh as Jason left.

"Well , today was a great day , thanks for letting me play with you guys" I said , "feel free to join us anytime, you're a great player with a lot of potential, I honestly see you taking up Jake's position next year" Lewis said , "well if that's the case , he'll have some pretty big shoes to fill" Wonbin said , I tensed up at his comment. If I did get picked , how sure am I that I would even do a decent job that's even half as good as what Jake has done for the university.

"Don't say that Wonbin , you'll make him overthink. Don't worry, Konane , you'll do a GREAT job , you have all our support!" Miles , the teams Wide receiver said.

"Thanks" I replied.

"Same time next week?" Jake asked , eveyone agreeed and begun to disperse.

"Hey konane, any plans for this afternoon?"Jake asked , it was just him and I left at the bleachers.

I thought for a few seconds and realised I didn't have anything planned.

"No , I'm actually free"I answered, "great! Zaina and some of her friends are going for a cooking class and she invited me, I don't think it'll be a bad thing to invite one more person, especially someone who seems interested in the craft" Jake said.

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