Chapter 2 (part 2) : knowing her

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N a t e . POV

"Hey Nate , can you pass me the salt?" Konane asked as I tossed him the salt and went back to what I was doing work . It was time for dinner and I wasn't exactly looking forward to it but it's the one time we get to FULLY be together, I would be at the counter going through blue prints and coming up with 3D renditions of said blue prints on my laptop , Konane would be in the kitchen cooking up something while Liam and Jeremiah would be playing video games .

Ever since we came back , I haven't uttered a single word to Liam , I strongly believe that his actions before were wrong , so unless he comes up to me and apologizes , there's going to be an invisible wall separating the two of us .

Konane invited the girls over but they weren't here yet , I was just about to seat on the couch until I heard the doorbell ring and being the closest I went over and opened the door for whoever was on the other side , "Hi Nate!" Amitola greeted but didn't give me time to respond as she walked right in , Yeri on the other hand was still standing outside , "hey" she said smiling at me , "hey" I replied , I moved out of the way and let her in , stealing a quick glance at her . In all
Honesty, Yeri was gorgeous , she was nice , smart and hard working , I don't know how no one had approached her yet but I'm glad about it , I don't know why but I just am.

"Dinners ready!!" Konane shouted as my attention turned to him , I got up and was headed towards my room to put away my stuff before I bumped into someone . Liam . "Let me guess.....going to say I'm wrong and force me to apologize" he said , I would've retorted with a snarky remark but that would lead to another argument, which in turn would ruin everyones night . Going out of my room I saw that everyone had gotten their plate , I walked over to the counter where Yeri was seated alone while the others were in the living area , the apartment comprised of one huge room where the kitchen and living area blended into one and 2 self contained bedrooms , it was not the biggest but it sure was spacious for the 4 of us . The counter was about 2 meters behind the couch so while you could hear the TV , it was far enough for people to have their own separate conversations.

I noticed that some of the counter chairs were gone and being used in the living area , there was only one left . I moved it closer to Yeri as she turned her head from her phone to look at me , I got my plate and sat down next to her , "how come you're not with the others?" I asked in curiosity as I took a bite of my food , Yeri was not the most outgoing person but that didn't mean she was anti social or anything, I honestly didn't know her enough to even categorize her personality, "I figured that I would wait for you to get your food , you know , pry off anything or anyone" she replied , by anyone she meant Jeremiah who had a habit of getting other peoples food when not attended too , I let out a small laugh , "well thanks" I simply said as silence engulfed us .

Yeri was on her phone doing who knows what while I secretly stole glances at her , her side profile was definitely a sight to behold , it's not that I have feelings for her , I'm just simply .............appreciating her beauty . "Nate" she called getting me out of my daze , "huh?" I replied , raising my eyebrows, "it's been on my mind for a while but I didn't know if it would offend you and I don't want it too but ........has Liam always know" she asked as though trying to be careful to prevent me from snapping or anything , "I get what you mean and I'm not offended , he might be my best mate but that doesn't mean I'll always defend him" I responded, "anyways, let's not talk about that , I've been wondering for a while too.......and I've kinda realized we don't know much about eachother. I want to know more about you" I said as her eyes seemed to sparkle , was she excited? "Um......sure, what do you want to know?" She asked placing her phone on the counter. She turned to properly face me as she tucked strands of her hair behind her ears , she looked cute .

We talked for a while and I got to know much about her , not deep stuff but things surface level , things that are enough for us to actually have the title of Friends, from when she moved from South Korea to Florida , too her high schools days and her likes and dislikes . She talked about times she was treated different because of her Asian roots and the negatives being an Asian living in the US came with , something I related too as a black person.
We realized we had things in common too and I found out just how Religious of a person she is , I wasn't that religious myself but it didn't mean that it would make me completely uninterested in her .

I actually got to know her a little more.

It had been about over an hour and the girls decided to leave , thanking Konane for the meal and all 4 of us for hosting . After the girls left I planned on going to my room but of course I would be interrupted , " and Yeri huh?" Jeremiah teased sipping his soda , here we go , "Jeremiah it's not even that , we just wanted to get to know eachother more. That's it" I replied before leaving , fully aware that if I stayed any longer I would be teased even more . But that was only the first problem I had to evade , I had to deal with sleeping in the same room as Liam and that was something I wasn't looking toward too .

But to my surprise, a surprise I enjoyed, he didn't speak a single word to me . Liam and I rarely argued or fought but when we did , we would go days without talking to eachother, we were both overly prideful people who would never admit that one of us is in the wrong , but in this situation I really don't know how he's not realizing he's the problem .

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