Chapter 18 : The weekend (Part 2)

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Y e r i. POV

"UGH!" I groaned as I frantically searched for my now missing contacts in my bathroom and it seemed Amitola heard me , "my goodness Yeri! What's up with all the noise?" Amitola asked walking into my room , "I can't find my contacts" I replied, walking out of my bathroom to search my room AGAIN , "well why don't you just wear your glasses?" She asked , I turned to face my mirror as I looked at my reflection. I was wearing my old glasses from high school ,which I would only wear at home when it was just Amy and I , why? Because wearing contacts 24/7 is uncomfortable AND I wouldn't want to be caught dead in these things . "no" I plainly answered as I continued looking , "alright then , but just so you know , I doubt your going to find your contacts anytime soon" Amy said as she left . She was wrong. I was going to find them.

I didn't find them . And now here I am standing in the hall waiting for the elevator with my glasses on , but what made it worse was the fact that I was wearing jeans and a cardigan with my hair styled in a ponytail , giving me unwanted flashbacks from my high school years .

The elevator opened and the moment I saw who was in it I wanted to throw myself out the window , it was Nate . "Oh , Morning Yeri , I didn't know you wore glasses" he said making me give him a small smile in embarrassment. I got in and it was rather awkward, I noticed Nate kept getting little glances at me and it was weird honestly, that was something I usually do . Not saying I did it often. "Nate?" I called as he hummed in response, "why do you keep looking at me?" I asked as I turned to face him , "sorry , it's just that ...... I like how your glasses look on you" he said scratching his arm, I admit, him saying that made me hate my glasses a little bit less , "well....thanks" I awkwardly said as I blushed.

The elevator door opened and we got out , "well ,see you later Yeri" he said as he left . I stood in my spot wondering where he was off to? What if he's going to meet the girl he spoke about in the café? , the one he said he had his eyes on! I quickly shook the thought out of my head and begun my journey to the phone store .

I had just got myself a new phone and was standing in the store as one of the workers were helping me set it up while my old phone was being backed up , Something I wish I did before hand. "Yeri?" I heard someone call my name and I instantly knew who it was , "oh hi Yeonjun!" I responded giving him a huge smile . After the incident ,Yeonjun was stuck in the hospital for a few days , he hit his head pretty bad, "what are you doing here?" He asked , "oh I was getting a new phone, what about you? Aren't you supposed to back in New York by now?" , "oh I lost my Headphones a few days ago and came here to get a new pair , as for why I'm still here , the doctors need to go through some tests with me before they transfer me to a hospital back home" he answered as I nodded my head  , "Yeri , I've been meaning to ask you.." , he said, he looked ........nervous, "um....... Well the thing is ...... before I leave , would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked as I froze .

It just had to be the wrong guy.

A m i t o l a. POV

Saturdays were terrible! Most people would enjoy it 'cause they could get some rest after a busy week but I personally didn't enjoy them , the only thing I would look toward to on Saturdays was The street . The street was practically this Princeton tradition. Every Thursday and Saturday, most if not all Princeton students would go to the street were all the Eating Clubs were . It was nothing too special but it was one of the things that made Princeton unique. We would usually go on Thursdays because it was less packed though.

The day was moving so slow and so I decided to go to the Library and find some new reads . I got dressed , locked the apartment and made my way to my destination .

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