Chapter 20 : Flat line

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verb: flat-line
(of a person) die.
"they injected themselves with a deadly drug and flatlined"

Y e r i.POV

The nurses had quickly told us to leave the room , more like forced us considering how they just pushed us out . I looked around the hospital hallways and noticed how everyone was in a panic , from the doctors who tried their best to be calm while quickly moving from one room to the other , to relatives of patients who were on life support crying their eyes out while frantically asking doctors if their loved ones would be okay . It was an unpleasant sight to see . I turned to look at the guys and they didn't look that good either , Amitola was crying in Jeremiah's arms who himself looked broken and Konane was anxiously walking around in a circle while muttering indistinct words with his hands behind his neck and his eyes closed shut as he bumped into someone almost every second , they looked.......scared to say the least. I turned to see if Nate was okay and I noticed he wasn't here , "guys Nate's not here" I said as calm as ever , one might think I'm some kind of Psychopath because of how I barely get stressed in these kind of situations, but I was basically taught to not show any signs of stress or fear, making me remember how I yelled at Nate earlier , he made me angry? "Why are you so freaking calm!!?" Konane thundered in an outburst of anger towards me and I understood why,  it was unnatural for someone to be this calm in such a situation , "Nate's not here Konane" I calmly responded , "THEN GO FIND HIM!!!!!" He yelled once more this time louder than before , making me flinch a little , I know he didn't mean to yell like that , I mean his reacting the same the way he did before when something happened to Nate , he must really hate how calm I am sometimes , it was probably all the stress he was under so I let it go , but he was right , I had to find Nate , he didn't look that good when all this happened. But.....where could he be?

I did my best to look for him but I kept bumping into someone and considering how dark everything was made it even harder to find him, "Nate please don't do anything dumb" I muttered as I kept looking for him . I had now searched the entirety of the 6 floor where Liam's room was and he was nowhere to be seen , this was an 8 story building with 40 rooms on each floor , how on earth was I supposed to search every place to try and find him! And I couldn't just ask someone if they saw him , it was dark and everyone was in a frenzy! , "calm down yeri" I said to myself as I stopped and took a deep breath and just then someone harshly bumped into me causing me to fall down and hit my arm on the hospital floors , and I'm pretty sure I heard something crack . I held on to my arm as I noticed that the person who hit me was still standing in front of me , I looked up and it was Nate , he looked ...............frightened, like he had just seen the most horrendous thing to ever exist , "I- I'm..." he tried saying something but he just kept quiet before he ran down the stairs , "Nate wait!" I yelled as I stood up and followed him , it was hard to keep my eyes on him while not only dodging people but having to bare the pain I felt in my left arm , but I just couldn't lose him.

We were now on the ground floor and I saw Nate run out of the hospital through the back exist , I followed him and just before I got out I bumped into someone who was dressed in black carrying a huge duffle bag. His bag dropped and he quickly picked it up and gave me a look, he was wearing a mask but I could see his eyes, they looked familiar . The guy left and before I could ponder on what just happened I turned my Focus back to Nate .

I was now in the hospitals flower garden , it was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing, but compared to the inside of the hospital it was quiet , even though I could still hear the screams from inside . I squinted my eyes trying to see and then I heard something, no .......someone . I moved towards the voice and saw a body curled up seated on the ground , it was Nate . I got closer and closer until I heard him repeatedly say something, "he's gone, he's gone , he's gone , he's gone..." . I crouched down to his level and touched his shoulder , he quickly lifted his head and despite how dark it was I could see the fear and worry on his face and only now did I notice the tears in his eyes , "he's gone" he quietly said and it was obvious who he was talking about , "you don't know that Nate" I responded as I placed my right hand on his cheek , trying to wipe away the tears from his already tear stained face. His body was shaking violently and he looked so frightened. I could hear his heart quickly beating against he's chest , so loud that it mimicked drums , it worried me . It was like he was having an anxiety attack , but didn't Konane say that he only had social anxiety? I thought as the lights in the garden suddenly turned on , I looked at the huge building next to me as all the lights illuminated , the powers back! I looked at Nate who was looking at the hospital building , "let's go back in" I softly said as he turned to face me . Unwilling to move , I stood up and reached my hand out , he stared at it for a while before grabbing it and though his touch would usually spark fireworks in my heart , how fidgety his hand was disturbed me, he slowly got up as we tardily made our way to Liam's room . Nate then begun to take deep breath's in an attempt to decompress.

We got to the 6th floor and we saw the others nervously and eagerly standing outside Liam's door , as we got closer Amitola noticed us and she quickly ran over and pulled me into a hug, "where were you!" She yelled as she cried . Since my Left arm was probably broken I couldn't properly return the hug so I just gently stroked her back with my right hand trying my best to calm her down , even though she was worried about me , I knew deep down that she was anxious , anxious of what the doctors in Liam's room were going to say . I saw Nate slowly make his way to the guys who were facing the door , he paused and Jeremiah turned to face him . He looked devastated . They stood like that for a few seconds until Konane pulled both of them into a hug and right after that I could hear them break into tears .

The sight broke me , I closed my eyes as I said a short prayer , hoping that the Lord would comfort us during this moment. The door opened and everyone's attention turned to the Doctor as she stepped out and by the look on her face , I don't think this is going to be good.
She took a deep breath before she begun , but right before that , all of us heard a long beep sound , I peaked into the room and saw the nurses and doctors take a few steps away from Liam's bed as they placed their hands behind their backs and lowered their heads . Oh no. "Doctor what's that sound?" Konane asked , you could hear the nervousness in his voice , the doctor kept quiet , almost like she was finding the right words to say , "DOCTOR WHAT'S THAT SOUND!!!?" Jeremiah roared and that's when I heard a loud thud sound next to me , Amy had fallen to her knees with shock on her face "he flat lined" her voice shook as she said those words , all the doctor did was nod her head as she went back into the room  , Nate then looked at me with the same fear from before still in his eyes , "Y-Yeri what does Amy mean by he f-flat lined?" He stuttered as he tried his best to speak . I'm sorry Nate.

"Liam's................... Liam is gone"

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