Chapter 30 : talk

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speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings; converse or communicate by spoken words.

N a t h a n. POV

Amtilola and I decided to visit Liam today , when we got to the hospital we got a report from one of the nurses saying that he was getting better day by day which made both of us excited at the fact that soon he might wake up , it had been almost 4 months since this happened to him.

A week had passed since Konane's birthday and mid-terms were happening, we took a break from our studies to visit Liam , just to talk to him about what was going on . But I had to ask .

"Hey Amy , do you know how I can talk to Yeonjun?" I asked as she looked at me confused, "you want your girlfriends
ex-boyfriends number?" She replied , "well , she isn't my girlfriend" I answered as she muttered a small "sorry", "why do you want to talk to him?" She questioned, I walked over to the window as I stared out at the Hospital's garden , "I just want to handle things" I replied , "Oh my goodness finally!, that man deserves a good beating!" She exclaimed , "What , no! I don't want to fight him , I just want to talk to him" I answered , she groaned before standing up and walking towards me , "I guess that's still a confrontation" she said, now standing next to me , "wait but what do you mean he deserves a good beating, did he do something to Yeri?" I asked concerned that something might be happening to Yeri that I'm not aware of , "it's not what did he do , it's what he's doing . Ever since he came back he has been manipulating her" Amitola said .
"Manipulating?" I asked as I turned to face her side profile , "I'm not a hundred percent sure but everytime I hear them talking , he always reminds her of what she did , he's basically making her feel even more guilty which in turn forces her to do whatever he wants , whether it be hang out with him or just run errands. Yeonjun always seemed like a nice guy , I would've never thought he could be capable of taking advantage of someone's remorsefulness"

He was using her? "What , you never noticed how she's been acting lately?" Amy asked , "no actually, we haven't really talked since our little argument on Konane's birthday" I replied , I gritted my teeth as I felt the sudden urge to physically hurt Yeonjun , I didn't want to be around the guy but if that was the only way for me to do some damage then I just had to. "Have you told Yeri?" I asked , "Like she'll listen , I've warned her about getting close to him but she's not taking my advice . Even though he's leaving soon for New York , I just feel if he keeps this up there's no way she'll be set free from her guilt . Man I want to punch him" She answered , making me let out a laugh. If this kept on going then she would never be able to move on or forgive herself.

"Anyways , I'm meeting up with Benjamin at the library, he's quizzing me for my test tomorrow" Amitola said walking to the door , "you're still hanging out with Benjamin?" , "Don't worry I've drawn boundaries" she replied, "but how sure are you that he doesn't have any ideas , if I recall properly , didn't he have feelings for you , how sure are you they aren't there anymore?" I asked , she stopped before turning around , "it doesn't matter whether he has feelings for me or not , my heart belongs to one person , a person I hope wakes up soon" she paused , "see you later Nate!" She said as she walked out of the room , "oh and by the way , she's meeting him at Dairy purée at 2 pm , if you get there early you'll probably find him" she added before leaving once again.

I knew who she was talking about and I had it all planned out . I just had to talk to Yeonjun, "well Liam , I'm about to confront this guy , wish me luck" I said as I tapped his foot and stared at his face , he had grown a small mustache on his face , one that Amitola said made him look manlier, I walked closer as I laughed at her remark .

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