I Hate my Parents ch 2

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Warning: abuse, suicide, and homophobic warning.
(Art made by yours truly)


When the cat finished its food I grabbed the bull and walked inside closing the door behind you to click. As I walked into the kitchen I realized all the dishes in the sink, I know I should wash them boy in trouble with my parents. As I wash the dishes I let my thoughts wander, thinking it's so peaceful without them here.

As soon as I was done I dried my wet hands on a drying cloth and quickly running upstairs to my room locking the door behind me, hoping my parents are in their type of mood when they come home from whatever they do. I undressed from my clothes and slim my black basketball shorts and white tank top, then I flopped face-first into my pillows on my bed snuggling with my Pikachu plushie I won at the arcade down the road.

I love to think of the good times I've had it keeps me going, and my only friend Toby. If I lost him I'd kill myself the only person I live for anymore is him because I wouldn't want to hurt him if I did kill myself. Also he makes me feel like my life is worth living again when I'm with him.

A smile spread across my face thinking of the time when he got sparkling water at my work he took a sip and said
"wow Sprite that tastes like water"

I laughed this fight knowing he's doing that on purpose he was just trying to cheer me up. He tries to cheer me up when he realizes I'm down because of the way my parents treat me. Never asks about the cuts and bruises I always have which I'm glad he guessed what they do to me and kept it as that.

The staff and other people always ask me but I always say it's because I play sports roughly. Toby's what is abusive to him, sometimes I want to smash my parents and his dad's face with a cast iron pan. But I know there would be consequences to my actions so I just hope for the best. After pondering and thought I fell asleep in peace. I shot up for my bed heart pounding as one of my parents bang on the door I knew if I kept my door closed break it my door down.

I got up and hesitantly unlocked my door. I looked up on my foster dad cuz I seen is scowling face, I flinched as he grabbed the color of my tank top and punched me in my face I could feel my entire body shake as I felt the warm blood drip out of my burning nose and into my mouth. Spitting it out I got punched again, and he yelled at me

" why do you always insist on wearing fucking boys's clothes"

As I stumbled onto the ground not knowing what to do I put my legs up to keep him away but he easily pain in my legs down continue me punching me and my face she was yelling things by could make them out as all the pain started growing number as he punched me more he smashed my face into my dresser and then everything got fuzzy and black.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now