A Broken Heart ch 18

18 1 0

(Alcuin is my OC.
He has black hair and the tips of his bangs are red. His right eye is blue and his left is red. His bangs cover his red eye like an emo lol. He wears a maroon button up with a black vest that has a white heart patch on it. And white dress pants along with a white tie that had a skull clip. Also he has white skin like slenderman. He is 621 years old. He is a boy, he is gay and a very loving person. He is cousins with slenderman, and his least favorite out of his cousins is Offenderman because he respects people and their rights and Offener doesnt.)

Sorry that was alot.


I saw them,
They were kissing.

All I could do was stand and stare at what was happening. I just couldn't wrap my head around what was going on. I had a feeling of betrayal, but why?

'No, no, no. Stop it, his life doesn't revolve around yours. He has his own life and you're gonna accept it.' I thought to myself. I clenched my hand to my stomach and sped walked past them.

They were so busy with eachother they wouldn't notice anyway. I ran when I was around the corner from them and hurried past this guy who was wearing a maroon shirt and had black hair.

I entered my room then jumped onto my bed face first into my pillow. Then I squished my Pikachu plushie and cried myself to sleep.

Time skip an hour.

I woke up to see someone next to my bed. It was the guy in the hallway I ran past. The sun from my window reflected off his black hair. He looked worried, I flinched when I realized him. I was starting to freak out, 'why was he in my room!?' I thought to myself.

"Hey are you alright? You were crying quite a bit." He seemed like he'd be interested in any answer I'd give him.

I thought about what happened, I groaned and took my pillow and covered my face with it. Then I curled up and continued.

"Hmmm... well let's see here, you're upset because you seen a friend you've had feelings for. For a while it seems, that you were too late to say your feelings to him. Being kissed by somebody and now dating them. Is that correct?" He cocked his head to the side.

"H-how did you know?" I started to get creeped out.

"Well I can use telepathy and also read people's minds like a book, and some other abilities but I'm not going to get into that right now." He said optimistically.

"Okay, well I only wanted to check on you to see if you were ok. Also I heard Jeff calling you." He looked towards the door.

"Oh and one more thing, my name is Alcuin (al-quin). What's yours?" He added

"Y/N." I replied.
"Well it was a pleasure to meet you y/n." And with that he teleported out of my room.

I walked next door to Jeff's room. I could tell he was in there because he was jamming to his music. Most people found it obnoxious and annoying but I found it comforting to listen to.

I knocked on the door. I didn't hear anything change to I yelled "FBI, OPEN UP!" And pounded on the door. Still no reply. Dang even the FBI can't make him hear them. Sheesh.

I decided to walk inside, I walked in and seen Jeff on his bed throwing knives at a dartboard without his shirt on. He had alot of scars I didn't know about. He got up and lowered the music.

"Hey there you are, finally." He said like he waited years.

"You were the one who didn't answer your door." I put my hands on my hips and glared at him.

He only tried to smirk. "Well, do you think I'm beautiful?" He walked up to me.

"Hey don't change the subject to be about you." I growled.

"Well I thought you'd think I'm beautiful without a shirt on." He teased and poked me in my side.

I blushed out of embarrassment, "no! I'm scared of naked people you know that!" I said angirly.

"Mmmhmmm suuurreee you are." He continued to tease me.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Alright, fine. I think your beautiful *pause* WITH A SHIRT ON!" I picked up a shirt from the ground and tossed it at his chest. His room was wrecked. I turned around and walked out.

"Heyyy come back. I only wanted to flirt with my valentine. Okay. I thought you'd like it. You obviously don't so I'll stop." He followed me and tried to explain.

"You know I don't like it so why'd you do it!" I was angry.

"I did it because I thought I'd be different because you've known me for so long. And I wanted to distract you from Toby, if I get you to like me you won't be sad anymore that Toby is with someone." He continued to explain.

I sighed and walked into my room leaving him outside in the hallway.

Ben's POV

After I had teased Jeff about y/n asking him to be her valentine which I had fun doing. I laughed to hard my thought was dry so I went to get some water.

Then I seen Toby and Silver in the hallway kissing, holding and flirting with eachother. iik I decided to get them out of public I don't wanna see that weird crap.

"Hey! Get a room weirdos." I told them.

Silver chuckled "make me." She said in a snarky remark tone.

My eye twitched in frustration, which made Silver laugh more. The embarrassed and flustered Toby only stood there. Silver grabbed his wrist and dragged him away somewhere. Sheesh, they are weirdos.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now