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I pondered for a while, of why Toby and silver are acting strangely. I spaced out in thought for a while, I didn't realize that Jeff had walked into the room. Jeff and Jane's arguing snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Shut up she's my friend too!," Jeff yelled angirly at Jane.
"Well we don't need creeps like you ruining our fun!" Jane yelled back at Jeff.

All this yelling didn't help with the loud music, it started to give me a headache.

"Guys! Stop arguing!" I nearly had to shout so they could hear me. They both looked at me, then Jeff looked back at Jane.

"All I wanted was to hang out with my friend." He managed to frown a little with his cut smile.
"Well she needs time away from a**hole jerks like you!" Jane was p***** now.

Slenderwoman walked in and whispered in my ear,
"Let's go sing some karaoke okay"

I nodded and she took my hand and led me to the microphone. I was nervous, there was alot of people. But most of them werent even paying attention, so I felt a bit more comfortable. Slenderwoman put (your choice of song) on the TV and we sang away.

Lost Silver's POV

I went to our party spot because I wanted to find Laughing Jack. I needed to talk to him about something. I looked around at all the colors, flashing lights, and music. It all gave me a big headache. Just because I may not have eyes doesn't mean I can't sense light. I heard someone singing and it stood out to me for some reason. So I walked around to see where it was coming from.

I looked who was holding the mic, and it was my girlfriend. She was singing (the song you're singing), and her voice was so beautiful.

She looked a bit nervous, so I wanted to go up there with her. But I don't like being the center of attention, and Slenderwoman is up there with her.

You know what, that's no excuse! She's my girlfriend and I'm going to be up there singing right along side her.

I snuck around her and picked up a mic and turned it on and started singing along with her. She looked back over her shoulder shocked, but I smiled and kept singing. She picked back up and sang with me for the entire night. My throat hurted like hell, hers probably does too. But it was all worth it to have an amazing time like that with my girlfriend.

Later, we stopped singing and went outside. Y/N sat by a tree, so beside her. She looked at me with a smile that made me feel warm and safe. While I was admiring her beauty, I didn't realize that her face was getting closer until she cupped my cheeks with her hands. I could feel my face get hot and I felt tingly.

She pressed her lips against mine and I shut my eyes and enjoyed this moment to every bit I could. She released me and looked at me with a soft expression,

"I'm finally glad I found someone I can trust," she whispered softly. It was almost mesmerizing, making me feel calm and tired. I felt anxious but I still went for it,

"I love you, and I promise I always will." I whispered to her as I drifted off to sleep on her shoulder.


He fell asleep on my arm, and all I could think about is, wow that was my first kiss! I looked over at him seeing his peaceful sleeping fingure and decided to carry him to bed. He doesn't have arms or legs so he'll be lighter than a usual person. I carefully picked him up and started to carry him home.

After a bit my arms started to ache and he kept moving in his sleep so it was kind of difficult. But eventually I got him to the mansion and carefully set him in bed and tucked him in. I wanted to make sure he slept comfortably.

I layed on the bed and rested my aching body, after a while my eyelids felt heavy and drifted to sleep.

Masky's POV

It was a pain in the a** to convince Lyra to come with me but we are here, standing in front of Ben.

"Can you take me and Lyra back to the mansion?" I asked Ben.

"You know I don't like Lyra at or around the mansion." Ben frowned. I was getting a little worried my plan would fail now.

"I need Lyra to tell Y/N of how to take care of the Pikachu." I lead hoping that this would convince him.

"Lost Silver, Glitchy Red, and the other creepypasta Pokémon trainers can tell her how." Ben replied and crossed his arms angirly.

"Please Ben, she caught it. She gets to help Y/N with the Pikachu." I said , then I turned to Lyra. Then back to Ben,

"Okay, okay, fine I'll take her too. But only if you keep her away from Lost Silver. You got that!?" Ben sternly said as he looked like he was about to punch something, which amused me.

"Yes Ben, I won't let Lyra near Lost Silver." I told Ben, Lyra knew I was lying. She knew some of the plan, only what I wanted her to know.

"Alright" Ben said as he teleported us back to the mansion. It was night, I forgot time is faster out if the game. Well I guess I have to wait until morning.

I left them and lied on my bed exhausted, and quickly fell asleep.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now