Getting her set up ch 9

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Warning: Language

I wake up by shouting in the Next Room , I look at my surroundings and I'm in an unfamiliar place with a bedroom that has my stuff in it and with ( your favorite color) walls and beautiful hard wood lacquer flooring. I wonder who's shouting? I look at my arms and legs to see that I'm not bound down. Why aren't I? If I was kidnapped why am I not being tied up? And why of all things do they have my stuff in the room?

I think one of those crazy people that like you back in like whatever grade and they have an obsession over you and they kidnap you because they love you so much? We'll have to find out sooner or later just got to go with it. I get up and pick my head out the door and I'm met with a man dressed with a black hood and blue mask with ink dripping from the eyeholes.

He was tackling this boy who was pale white with black circles around his eyes, cut smile, and had shoulder length black hair with a bloody white jacket. He was yelling at the blue masked man. The one with black hair looked around my age, and his voice sounded familiar to. Now that's two people I wonder if I knew them before?

I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around, in my eyes meets a woman with pale skin black eyes and black wavy hair. She smiles at me warmly

"well hello Y/N my name is Jane the Killer. " she sounded a little too excited.

I cocked my head to the side and lifted an eyebrow" how do you know my name?"

She looked at me and smiled" well you are living with us now honey, so of course I'm going to learn your name. " she said as if I was stupid or something.

"Well I don't know what's going on, I remember is my parents getting killed last night."

She looked at me confused for a second then replied " that was Toby Rogers that did that last night and he wanted to bring you here because he said you are beloved friend to him and believed that tell you two can work together."

I smiled greatly did she really just say Toby Rogers! He is alive after all this time!

"Wait Toby Rogers is alive?" I squealed a little bit which caught the blue mask man's and black haired man's attention.

Jane nodded her Head in a yes motion. I was so happy I could barely contain myself but I wanted to learn the others names. I turn around

"if you don't mind telling me what are your names?"

The black haired guy push the blue mask guy over to the ground he put his hand on his chest and boldly said "I am the famous Jeff the Killer with my beautiful face that cannot be forgotten."

I wanted to know his full name" what is your real first name and last name?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes "well, my real name is Jeffrey Woods"

I stood there shocked not knowing what to say it was really him my friend both of my friends are here I couldn't believe it.

"Take a picture of my last longer I know my face is beautiful. "

I laughed" it's not really that it's just we used to be friends before and I'm really surprised to see you again"

I almost forgot about Jane standing behind me she gasped "what you are friends with this asshole!" I turned around and noticed she was a little distressed.

"well we were friends before he turned insane so he's probably different now I'm not sure if we still get along well. " I turned around and Jeff walked off he kind of looked like he was a little irritated. I turn to the blue masked man,

"and what's your name?" I couldn't see any expression because he has a mask on it would help if he didn't have one on.

"My name is Eyeless Jack, and I wish not to say my real name. "

He said firmly I nodded my head to let him know I understood. "well my name is Y/N nice to meet you."

I held out my hand he has a gently looked at it then slowly went to shake my hand, then I heard a yelling come from my right from down the hall yelling,

"incoming! He's mad!" I turn my head to see you who...

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now