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Jeff's POV

I heard yelling, that's typical in this household. I listened closer to what was being said out of curiosity. I bet Ben would love to hear about this fight right now.

I got out of bed and stepped over my dirty clothes that had been all over my floor. I pressed my ear to the door and listened.

It sounded like two people, a male and a female. "Their voices... Hm.... Wait- Is that.... Toby and silver's voice?" I whispered out loud thinking to myself.

I couldn't make out the words, but I could hear their tone. They both didn't seem to be too happy with each other. I suppose I can ask Toby what happened later, but right now I'm starved.

I make my way downstairs to see mostly everybody was seated, Toby and Silver were in the other room. The only people that were gone is Lost Silver and Y/N.

Where did they go?


I smelled the dirt and pine smell as I opened my eyes and was greeted with the blinding sun peering through the trees. I looked around to see Lost Silver was on my shoulder, once my senses came back I could feel the pain in my shoulder.

I'm real smart aren't I? I let out a sigh and looked at the boy rest peacefully. I shook his shoulder a bit and he finally woke up too.

He looked at me with a smile and sat up.

Masky's POV

Where is that Y/N!? Also will Toby shut up for once d*mn he is annoying the sh*t out of me. I left after eating breakfast with only one goal in mind.

To break Y/N.

I searched around the forest knowing nobody here can really go into town.

Then I finally found Y/N after searching for a few hours. This forest is surly big alright. I approached both of them where they sat under a tree.

"Hey Y/N!" I called out on approaching them. This immediately caught Y/N's attention.

"Can I borrow Lost Silver for a bit?" I asked Y/N. Even though I don't  even feel like I need to ask her if I of weather I can or can't.

"Yeah, I don't see why you can't. Although its up to Lost Silver." She replied and turned to Lost Silver.

He smiles a little and pipped up "Yeah I'd like to go with you for a bit Masky." Then with that I walked away with Lost Silver floating behind me.

The walk back to the mansion was quite and quicker because I knew where the mansion is. When we arrived I took Lost Silver to my room.

"Masky, what are we going to be doing in your room?" Lost Silver asked me shyly. I didn't want to ruin the 'surprise' for him so I didn't answer him.

I opened my old oak door to reveal Lyra was standing there, ponytails and all.

"W-what are you d-doing here L-lyra?" He had a bit of a sad and mad tone to his voice.

"I came to see my love, of course" Lyra chirped.

"I think I'll leave you two alone, bye" and with that I shut the door behind me, grinning at what I know is to come.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now