Girl's Night Out Ch 23

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Warning self-harm in this chapter.

Jane's POV

I had was happy I had got y/n to come with us. And she looked so stunning in her clothes.

We started walking down the old dirt paths to to the club, not just any club. But a club for Creepypastas and people they know are only allowed in. Or they'll be killed on site.

This was a perfect hideaway spot, and there is loads of fun to be had. It seemed a little quiet between all of us. You could hear the crunching leaves beneath our shoes as we walked.

"This is going to be fun!" Slenderwoman exclaimed, she looks like her dad but has a woman body and is in a very revealing outfit. More than laundré does.

I looked over to y/n and seen her nose was turning pink. I was pretty chilly outside but I don't know how Slenderwoman can wear practically nothing and still not be cold.

I shrugged it off and continued with all the girls down to the club. I started to see pink, purple, and blue lights along with party music in the distance in front of us. We where getting closer to the club.

As we ventured closer to the club I heard something next to me, grabbing my attention to look, it was y/n. She didn't look too well, she looked as if she'd have an anxiety attack. Maybe this wasn't the greatest idea.

"Hmm, this place is a little shabby for my liking." Zero said bluntly, she had white hair and stitches on the corners of her mouth. She also always wore a black and white scarf, I wondered why though.

"Quit your complaining." Clockwork said coldly, as a spark glinted in her green eye. Her light brown bangs seemed to always be falling in her eye, causing her to move her bangs out of the way. Well zeroes comment "ticked" Someone off.

I noticed y/n rubbing her arms a little, she probably isn't used to how cold it gets out here yet. Poor kid, well we've gone this far so it would be a waste to go back now. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close trying to make some body heat for her.

When I felt her skin she was freezing, now I had felt even worse. We all walked inside, the first thing I did was set y/n by the wood stove that was there, there was a calmer section of the place and that's were I'd think that y/n would feel most comfortable at.

She looked like she could need something to drink, so I left to get her hot coaco. I'm hoping none of the drunk or sober creepypastas don't mess with her. Or I swear they'll never see the light of day again.


It felt a little crowded, and the noise was a bit too loud. But I'm sure I'll have fun when Jane comes back. I looked up from the ground and seen Silver approach me. The sickening feeling in my stomach returned. Why couldn't she just stay away?

"Hey y/n didn't think I'd see you here." She said as she sat next to me. Her closeness was making me irritated. Well maybe if I don't say anything she'll get bored and go away.

"Not in a mood to talk huh, well that's okay. We can sit here in silence then." Silver said as I continued to be silent. I heard the door open to the room we were in, I looked up thinking it was Jane. But I was wrong, it was this guy that looked like a demon, he was red and black.

I looked at Silver thinking 'what does this weirdo want with us, and do I even want to know?' He approached us with a lustful look on his face. It creeped me out, I was about to run away but then Silver opened the door and kicked him in his gut causing him to stumble out the doorway.

"D*mn he's so annoying," she said as she dusted her hands as of they had dirt on them. I was too astounded of what happened to say anything.

"Hmm I wonder what makes you Toby's best friend. You haven't said anything so I can't tell." She thought out loud.

Why does she want to know? It isn't important to her, well it shouldn't be. As I was goin to ask her about it Jane walked in with a cup of hot coaco.

"Here I got you some hot coaco ro warm you up." Said Jane as she handed me the cup of hot coaco.

I slowly grabbed it and replied "thank you," and took a small sip to see if it was too hot for me. But to my surprise it was the perfect temperature.

"Jane, why is y/n Toby's best friend?" Silver asked. Jane looked a bit confused at first, then she came up with something to say.
"They've been friends since they were little, and she was the first person to accept Toby for everything he was."

"Oh," Silver said in response. She seemed to not be satisfied with the answer she got. Silver stood there for a minute then walked out of the room.

"What was that about?" I asked.
"I don't know." Jane said as she sat next to me where Silver previously sat.

Masky's POV

"So Gold wants me back? After I cheated on him again." Lyra asked,

"Yes, that's what I said." I'm trying to be patient so I won't mess up my plan. All she has to do is fall into line and hopefully my plan will work.

"Alright, I'll date him again. But I have to pack up first." She said as she walked upstairs to her room. It's fine if she takes a while because the more time y/n and Lost Silver are together the more they'll bond, and the more they bond the more likely I'm going to push her past her breaking point.

Slenderman's POV

I started thinking of what masky had asked me, that I would take over Toby's mind to seem like he is turned against y/n. All to push her past her breaking point.

Sure she hasn't gone insane yet but I've watched her as well as Toby did. I've seen her when she has small breaks and it isn't pretty.


I watched as this y/n collapsed onto the floor onto her knees. Her breathing was heavy and abnormal. She crawled over to her nightstand and grabbed out a knife from the drawer.

She started laughing non stop. She kept mumbling things like "I want this to go away" "why can't it stop!" "stop it!" "why does everyone love have to leave me?" "I don't deserve anyone, I should just die." She lifted the knife with her shaky hand and when straight for her leg, or what I thought.

She plunged the knife into the floorboard next to her leg. She got up and kept laughing, "no, no remember what you said. YOU WEREN'T GOING TO DO THIS!" She yelled asloud as she could.

Then she stabbed the wall aggressively many times, worse than what Jeff does to his victims. As it calmed down just a bit she slid to the ground.

Then she began cutting her legs through her pants. "This will make me calm down" she cut more and more, making a good sized gash in her leg. Then she covered her leg with a nearby towel.

She was shaking badly and she was trying to laugh through her crying. I wanted to interfere but I knew I couldn't. And I didn't think that a mansion full of partially insane people are going to help her.

End of flashback

That wasn't even her broken, but I don't want to know if she's that bad. I wish I could give her help. But I don't know how to help her.

She used to talk to me through her window when she was little, and we became friends. She never was afraid of me, and now I still want to be a good friend to her. That's why I let Toby take her here. So she could escape those people, the ones that should have loved her. The people who should have cared, and most of all should have never treated her in such a way.

I just hope I can fix her little by little, and I'd better keep an eye on Masky. If he breaks her, we'll have hell to pay.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now