Driving there ch 8

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Warning: words hinting sexual themes.
Toby's POV

Hoodie was driving the car back to the mansion when Masky had to put in his 2 sense in again,
" well you two are going to have a fun time together aren't you. "

Masky said sarcastically. My anger slowly rose as I knew what he was talking about. I was never going to do such a thing because Y/N doesn't like to do that type of thing because of her trauma scared her out of it.

   "W-will you just s-shut your trap M-masky!" Masky scoffed at this. " W-what do y-you think is-s so f-funny" he looked back at me from the passenger seat, while I scowled at him feeling his eyes burning into mine.

   "I know what horny teenagers like you do." He growled. I seriously hated him, and I wasn't a horny teenager. I looked over a hoodie and said,

    "do you think we're going to do that? " Hoodie grumbled to himself for a second and finally came out with the reply " you do whatever you do, personally I don't think you will, and since you guys haven't seen each other for a long time and you explaining her to me and me knowing how you are I wouldn't think you guys would do anything anyways for a while until you guys caught up in the least."

   Masky grunted and crossed his arms in the passenger seat and Mumble to himself but I couldn't make out what.

                           Masky's POV

      I don't know what's up with this brat. He seriously aggravates me. He took my number one spot, just because he's the most loyal. And now hoodie is standing up for him. Maybe smoking a cigarette will calm down my nerves. I rolled down my window and pull up my mask a bit and took my pack of cigarettes out of my mustard yellow jacket.

    The girl behind me stirred, I wonder if she doesn't like cigarettes. Well if she doesn't I don't care cuz she's going to have to deal with it I can't even smoke in the Mansion anyway. As we drive to mansion I think of a plan to fix this. I will make a Slender Man hate the new girl then I'll be able to dispose of her. Then I don't have to deal with her.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now