Who Was it? ch 16

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(May have triggering themes and contains mild language)


I was grabbed by my arm into a room, it was dark so I couldn't see who. After what seemed to be a while the lights flashed on. Leaving me seeing white for a few seconds and my eyes being discomforted. I struggled to get my eyes open, after a bit my eyes adjusted,
"How did you know I have a personality disorder?" He said bluntly.

I could feel his gaze through his mask, so this is who grabbed me. It was Masky.

I thought for a moment. What was I to say? I pulled a test on him, maybe this part of him doesn't know?
"I-I..." I lost the words on my tongue.

"Well" Masky was looking a little annoyed.

"Um... well I did a test on you..... a-and you passed it so it usually means you have a personality disorder or something else." I say.

Masky exhaled deeply,
"well no point in hiding what my meds are actually for, I do have schizophrenia but the meds are for my multiple personality disorder." He crossed his arms and looked towards his window.

We sat in silence for a few minutes till I found something to say.
"Masky" I waited for him to answer me.

"Yeah?" He didn't look at me he continued to look at the window like something far more interesting was out there.

"Why do you have a problem with it?" It was a stupid question but I wanted to know how it made it hard for him. I wanted to help with what I can.

"That's none of your D**N BUSINESS!" He was getting mad now. Dang it that's not what I wanted to happen.

"Please, I'd like to be your friend like I said before I think you are cool that I wanna hang out with you. And friends listen, and I'm going to listen to you and how you feel about it. I'll be able to understand more from where you are coming at, and I want to be able to do that."
Dang that was alot to say, but it was all true.

He looked at me finally and shook his head side to side. Well I guess it was worth the try. I started to turn around then masky started talking.

"All I've ever wanted was to just live a normal happy life and not be like this. I've been stuck in a mental hospital since I was little for my schizophrenia. Then I got hit in the head with a pipe which screwed me up even worse and made me like this. I HATE IT AND I WANT IT TO STOP!"

Masky started to cry a little I could tell he was trying to hold his tears and sobs back.

I got closer to him, I didn't want him to be mad at me but I went for it anyway. I went up to pull off his mask then he grabbed my arm.

"I KNEW IT! You were just trying to get my guard down so you can pull my mask off."

I prayed my arms out of his hands and hugged him.

"No, I was trying to wipe your tears away." I hugged him tighter.
"I promise I don't want to hurt you, because that's not what friends do."

I could hear his heartbeat in his chest. It started to speed up when his arm raised. His arm went back to his side and his heartbeat slowed back down. I looked up at him, his mask was gone! He had chocolate brown eyes and a soft but stern look to his face. He had sideburns usually I hate them but they suited him very well.

"But why?" I asked. He gave me a small smile through his tear stained face.

"Because friends should trust eachother."

I got my sleeve and wiped his face and smiled at him.
"There, now I got to do what I wanted." I laughed a small laugh.

He patted my back, "I guess Toby is right for once, you are a good listener. Now how about that cheesecake you said you'd make with me. Hmmm?" I was very happy he wanted to do something together.

It meant he was starting to accept me.
"Okay I'll ask slenderman for the stuff I need. Meet me in the kitchen okay?"

"Okay" Masky nodded along with it.

Masky's POV

"But why?" she said hugging me. Hmmm if I make her friends with me then she'll never think of me doing what I'm planning to do.

"Because friends trust eachother." I seen a smile grow onto her face.

She raised her sleve to my face and whipped my fake tears. It's nice she cares but I don't like her, well until she can impress me. I'm not going to like her.

She kept a smile and she began to talk. "There, I got what I wanted."
She was pretty dumb no wonder why she is friends with that weird ticking freak.

I have to keep the act up.
"I guess Toby is right for once, you are a good listener. Now how about that cheesecake you said you'd make with me. Hmmm?"
( I kinda actually prefer salad but I'll act like I'm in love with cheesecake for those fan guys and gals.)

I patted her back, that appeared to make her more happy. "Okay I'll ask Slenderman for the stuff I need. Meet me in the kitchen Okay.

"Okay" I said and nodded. She walked out the door of my room. Man, she is sure going to be fun to mess with. Or maybe she'll be cool. We'll only time will tell.
And valentine's is coming up. It'll be the perfect time to break her heart. Especially since Silver is coming back from a mission.

(Not the Pokémon creepypasta a friend's oc that's what it is)

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now