Everything's is falling apart ch 3

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Warning: suicide, language, and abuse warning.
(Art made by yours truly)


I woke up on the floor with my room as I groggily got up. Rubbing the back of my head as I Look Around My Room. My head's robbed but I tried to Shake it Off really Fallen twice. Once I finally found my footing I stumbled to the bathroom looking into the mirror. It took a bit for my eyes to focus on the damage that's been done for once I could see clearly I grabbed a rag and started to wash off the blood.

Then I went to my room and scrub the blood off my floor and thought I should take a shower to get the blood out of my hair. I took a shower to get the little bit of blood out of my hair, it felt nice anyways and help me relieve some of the feelings I had. I looked at the clock, 7:40 a.m

" oh no I'm going to be late! This is great. "
I said to myself as I pulled on some black and white striped long-sleeve shirt in some ripped black overalls then put on my black Converse Boots, my favorite outfit then hurried and applied makeup to my bruises and cuts then ran the entire way to school.
Time skip to lunch.
I didn't see Toby in any of our crosses I asked a few people but he didn't come to school today. I went on though the rest of the school board as ever without Toby there for art was the only fun class because I loved art.

I came home and seeing my foster dad sitting on the couch drinking beer while my foster mom is in the kitchen. I skimmed over the television us something caught my. The name Rogers, that was Toby's and his Family's last name I watched as the news reporter explained

"the Rogers family home was burned to the ground last night we don't know the cause yet but we'll keep you informed but we have found no survivors"

My heart dropped at those words I knew something wasn't right last night. I stormed off only seeing the image of the Bread House in my mind and his face. I cried out,

" why do all the people I care about leave."

I screamed into my pillow but what I felt wouldn't go away I felt empty like I lost the part of me. I grew up with him and I have so many memories with him now that person is gone it was hard for me to sleep with all of them thoughts running through my head but I finally fell asleep.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now