The Party ch 12

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      Slenderman stood there towering over me. I only knew who he was from stories, and those stories weren't good. I felt like my body was going to shake if I had looked at him any longer.
   "Don't be afraid my child, I just wanted to announce the party. That's being held tonight in your honor of you joining us."

    I nodded, then just like that he vanished. I didn't want to go to the party because I don't like parties due to a lot of people. So I was thinking I was just going to go to my room when the party started.

   I thought it would be kind of rude not to come because it was in my honor, but I just don't want to come. I looked out the front window from the living room and seeing it was sunset.

   Jeff came running down the stairs with party supplies in his hands.
   "oh yeah, we're going to have fun tonight." His smile widened and he lifted his eyebrows twice. Which made me feel uneasy.

    I went upstairs to my room, or what I assumed to be my room because I woke up in it and I have my stuff in it. I crawled under the sheets and blankets. Then I felt my eyelids get heavy and I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


   I woke up and heard scared screams from the room next to me I shot up with my heart racing and my adrenaline kicking in. I don't think anyone else heard because I hear party music and laughing and yelling.

   I don't think anyone would hear it. I grab my pocket knife out of my backpack that was sitting in the corner of the room. I ran out and heard it from the room next to mine I tried the lock oh, it was locked.

    I took my pocket knife and jammed it into the door jamb to get the door open. When I looked inside I seen Masky but he was in the corner shaking with his hands over his eyes whimpering and yelling things like get away. He was really scaring me, I ran over to them just for him to kick me in my stomach and knock me to the ground.

    I put my hand over my stomach where the pain was it hurt quite a bit. I got on all fours and crawled up to him,
    " NO! GET AWAY!" Masky cried putting his arm in front of his face trembling.

   I got closer to him and put my hand on his arm I started rubbing his arm. I put his arm down, and he flinched at me. I put my hand on my head he pulled away in a flinch by continued and then he let me.

   "It's all right, none of it's real. I'm here now so you don't have to worry you're safe." I whispered to him Softly.

   I embraced him into a hug, he was still shaking. After a while of whispering calming things to him and rubbing circles on his back while in a hug he calm down.
  " Thank you, I feel better now." I hung out with him for a little longer to make sure he was okay, then he dozed off looking at the wall and then looked at me.

   " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!" He got up and slammed his fist on his desk. I didn't get it, what?

   He was nice one minute and then mad the next like nothing happened earlier.

   "I've been in here for a while we've been talking and hanging out. " He laughed and looked at the ground then back at you,

  "I wouldn't hang out with a loser like you, if you were the last person on Earth. "

Those words stung I thought that we were having a good time and becoming friends.

   I guess not, well I can't fight him, I don't want to. I thought for a second, then I came up with a possibility. Is he bipolar? Or have a multiple personality disorder? I'll test the multiple personality one first since that's testable, if he fails it then he is bipolar, we're just very Moody.

   "Hey Masky, what do you remember before you try to kick me out of your room?"

   The sound he made made me think he made us grimacing face under that mask.
   "I was peacefully in my f****ing room until you decided to barge in do what you want!"

   I looked at him and tilted my head to the side, then sighed. "Then tell me what you were screaming about? Tell me what you told me before you started yelling at me, tell me what I did to comfort you when you were screaming go away in your room. Tell me what was the invisible thing that you were that you were screaming out to go away. "

  He looked at me and slammed his fist down on this desk again. I felt kind of bad she look like he was panicking, that he didn't know what was going on. I've been there before it sucks I reached my hand out and strokes my hand through his hair he swatted my hand away.

  "Don't f****ing touch me." He said coldly.
"Fine, I'll go away. But one more question, do you have a personality disorder?"


    I thought of my foster dad telling me that he was going to put me in a mental hospital if I didn't stop saying I could see certain things and hear certain things that ended up not being there. I had ended up staying there for a little while . It didn't happen all the time so it was pretty normal actually I found out, just not every person goes through it that much. But it's not enough to be concerned about.

  "No, and I do understand what you mean by ' drug the hell out of me for nothing you're right, they just drug people up tie them down and expect them to get better. But it doesn't make them better it makes them worse."
    I said that last bit quieter then the rest of what I had said I turned around and was going to walk out the door.

   "How do you know about that?" I sighed and looked over to him,

  "Because I've been put in one before. And made me worse than before. I didn't have any problems when I went in but I definitely had problems when I came out."

    My mind went straight to me watching someone bite their own fingers off. I'll never be able to forget that.

"I had even watched someone bite their own fingers off, I know you all of you wouldn't even be that crazy to do such a thing. Ever since then I've never been able to get it out of my head, it's like a haunting nightmare but it keeps returning during the day not just during the night. Sometimes I go into a panic or start crying because I remember that terrible thing that had happened."

   I looked at Masky and he just nodded his head. I walked out the door, then found a passed out Jeff in the hallway. I nudged him in the side with my foot and then he grabbed my leg.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now