Schizophrenia ch 10

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(Artwork made by yours truly)
Warning: Language

"incoming! He's mad!" I turned my head to see who is making all this racket.

  There was a boy dressed in A Link costume with blood dripping down from his black eyes with red pupils. I try to react but he runs into me faster than I could comprehend that it happened. He fell into my chest and looked at me and give me a cheeky grin,

  "wow nice cushions you got there, broke my fall"
   I could feel my cheeks grow hot out of embarrassment I didn't even know this person and he was already making snarky comments. I felt my anxiety peek up, so I pushed him off and got to my feet.

    I looked up to see a boy with a female mask with black lipstick and the eyebrows look like upside down U shapes. He had a mustard yellow jacket with light brown hair that droops in front of his mask a little bit. He was huffing and puffing while stomping down the hallway towards the boy.

   Jane looked over at the masked boy and asked" what did Ben do this time?" She said this as if he's done this before. So his name's been noted.


   I was thinking about schizophrenia and I knew that some symptoms were seeing and hearing things that aren't actually there. that's happened to me before but not all the time and it could just be my mind playing tricks on me.

    I look at the boy that just ran into me he was sitting on the floor still." Hey you better give those back to him" the boy looked up at me confused and then smiled,

  "only if you can get them from me" he smiled even greater and started running.

   Oh if he only knew what he got himself into I thought to myself he does not know I'm a fast runner. I booked it chasing after him through the winding halls. Even though I had no idea where I was I did not lose sight of him whatsoever. He thought I was gone I hid around the corner while he was catching his breath. When he bent down to put his hands on his knees to catch his breath I pounced on him.

  "ahhh what the fuck was that for!?" I got up holding him by his wrist he was shorter than me by a lot practically hold him in the air." You told me that I had to catch you to get his his pills back so I did now hand them over."

     I growled as I glared into his eyes making sure he understands I'm not messing around. Even though I don't know him I feel Brave to stand up to this kid and to stand up for the other guy. Ben took me to his room and grabbed out the pills and tossed them to me.

  "Here. Take them and leave me alone. " I was walking down the hall and I looked at the prescription it read Timothy Wright on the bottle hmmm that's his name. Or could be stolen since their murderers as I could tell from last night. At least I don't have to be stuck with those horrible parents of mine anymore.

   I walked around the Mansion until I found the mask Boy again. "here you go Timothy."  I handed him the bottle but he seemed to have growled
      "don't ever use my real name again you hear me!" I look at him feeling kind of bad,

   "what do I call you if that's not the name you go by?"
     He seemed to be irritated which I was hoping not to do but I guess that's my talent.

"Just call me Masky"

I looked at his pills again I looked up at his face" is your schizophrenia ever get scary to you?"

    He just stood there staring at me I continued " like seeing stuff all of a sudden get scary to me sometimes and then it just goes away like getting blown away by the wind like dust. And it's worse when I hear someone talking but no one's around me and I try to find out who it is and then, it's no one."

    I look down at my feet I'm not sure if he's listening or mad at me and or he's trying not to make a big deal out of it." You seem to be a pretty cool guy if you ask me, maybe we could make some cakes or cheesecake sometime I may not be good at cooking but I'm good at making those types of things."

    He shifted a little bit when I said cheesecake, I wonder what his feelings are but I probably threw him off when I started talking about his schizophrenia.

                           Masky's POV

What in the hell right does she think she can talk about my schizophrenia huh? She even compares me to her nu-uh she isn't anything  like  me. She looked at the ground I could tell she knew she might have said something offensive.

   "You seem to be a pretty cool guy if you ask me, maybe we could make some cakes or cheesecake sometime I may not be good at cooking but I'm good at making those types of things. " I got a little excited when she said cheesecake she knew how to make homemade cheesecake?

    No I have to eat healthy things to be the best proxy I can... She turned around and looked a little pouty to me, she looked like a little puppy that knew it did something wrong. I felt like going over to her but I didn't because I know I have to make Slenderman hate her and I cannot become friends with someone like that.

    I can hear Laughing Jack in the direction Y/N walked. Oh she's gonna have a splendid time with her hahaha. Man hope he doesn't take the pleasure of killing her because I want to, I hear a scream and knew it was hers.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now