In The Closet Ch 20

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(Art made by me)
My YouTube is Alcuin Slender and I do creepasta asmrs and do read alouds of my stories, check it out.


It felt like forever that we've been in here. After this long I wasn't as anxious anymore. I looked over to see this nervous boy in the corner of the closet. He tried hiding his face with his bangs. There wasn't much room in there so our shoulders were always touching. It started to irritate me the longer we stood in there.

I do feel bad though, that he gets cheated on. Well maybe Jeff is right that I need to move on. Well I guess I have to sum up my courage and make this happen. Ohhh my here we go.

I wrapped my arms around his torso, he flinched as I did. I rested his head on my chest and strokes his hair, hoping this would calm him down. But I don't think my racing heartbeat will be comforting.

After a few minutes I felt a small pressure around me. I looked around me, he had his arms wrapped around me in a hug. But how, he didn't have arms earlier.

"Uhm u-uh w-wi....ll y-you...... b-be m-m-m-my.... g-g-g-g-irlf-f-f-riend?" L Sliver asked his voice shaking.

Well, this is the only way out if I don't want to break the door down. I just hope that he isn't secretly a creep or anything. Plus we could break up when we are out. I hope also that this can distract me from Toby.

"Sure, Lost Silver" I answered while patting his head. He was like a little kid, small and adorable.

"Uh-h y-you c-can just c-call m-me Gold." He said while looking at me in my eyes smiling.

"Okay Gold." I said letting go of him, his smile got a little smaller. I guess he wanted me to keep hugging him.

"Okay you may leave now," I heard from behind me. The door opened, the coming light blinded me. But once my eyes adjusted I could see it was Splendorman. I smiled and walked out holding Gold's hand dragging him with me.

Masky's POV

I overheard what happened between L Silver and y/n. I know he still has alot of feelings for Lyra, why don't I get L Silver to cheat on y/n with his ex. Oooooo this was a great plan to break her. Once she's broken she won't cause any problems for me during missions anymore.

Like earlier today she freaked out when she killed somebody. But if she's broken she won't have any feelings to make her annoying. I just have to get Ben to take me into his game.

I walked down the old familiar hallways, they're always so bland. I knocked on Ben's door because last time I walked in I seen something it didn't want to watch happen because I'm not gay.

"Yeah, come in." Ben's voice sounded like he needed water or something.

"I have to get something in Lost Silver's game. Can you get me in? So I can get it." I asked Ben. I looked onto his computer and seen try not to laugh videos, no wonder why his voice sounded dry it was from all the laughing. But I think try not to laugh videos are stupid.

"Yea, c'mon." And with that he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his computer.

I looked around and seen what I believe is called an eevie. Alrighty now to find Lyra.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now