Concern ch 5

34 1 0

Warning: depression scription
(Art made by yours truly)


After class mr. Rockwell call me up to his desk. He looked up at me from my picture that he held in his hand" what does this mean to you?" He held up the picture with a girl looking down at a grave letting one single rose droop down from her hand while it's raining. I looked up at him feeling nervous deciding whether to tell him or not. I sigh as I tell him "I lost my greatest friend yesterday I had some feelings for him which is the representation of the Rose and I'm feeling depressed and that's why the picture is mostly in Gray. The rain represents the tears I've cried for him and the settings saddened mood. "I said shyly as I look down at my feet.

Mr. Rockwell's POV

A person close to Toby tells me about how her picture represents her grievance about a friend she loved that had just died. She looks shamed for doing this but are supposed to tell a story.


she looked up at me completely silent as she rubbed her thumbs together.

"it's okay to draw your feelings on paper or write it down, that's what our is all about or it can even help cope with those feelings, and losing someone that's very close is very hurtful. The always remember that they're never truly gone if you never forget that person."

She nodded her head to let me know she understands and excused her from my class.


I had already knew that but I guess it's more comforting knowing someone else cares about my sadness that I'm going through. I got into my car and drove back home. I grabbed onto my game and started playing it I knew that it was pretty much broken that the silver game my it was pretty funky but that's what I get for buying games online.

I needed something to take my mind off things but every time I play it I feel like someone is staring at me from behind.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now