Ch 21

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That night I decided to try to sleep with Lost Silver. Even though we were on the very edge of our sides it was a nice night, I didn't want to be too close to him while I slept anyway. I snuggled with a real Pikachu!

Lost silver convinced Glitchy Red to let me sleep with his Pikachu tonight. He found out I have an obsession with Pikachus because they are so adorable!

I got up trying not to wake up L Silver but I failed. I sat on the edge of the bed watching his eyes flutter open. The Pikachu woke up and yawned a small yawn and snuggled next to my hip.

I seen him blush the second I realized I was staring, he's my boyfriend so let's try what cry does to his boyfriend.
I gave him a soft smile, "sorry for staring, I was just admiring how peaceful you look when you sleep." His face turned so red he tried covering his face with the blankets.

I looked away as well, what the hell did I just say. Oh jeez, now I feel nauseous. D*mn it my anxiety is always getting the best of me.

After the akward silence, it was finally broken.
"T-thank you s-sweetie." L Silver shyly said.

I felt my heart's pace begin to pick up speed. I started to feel uneasy, and he called me sweetie! Already!

I heard him sit up, then he wrapped his arms around me. His sudden close contact made me feel even more uneasy.
"Are.... y-you cold?" L Silver asked.
"N-no w-why?" I asked L Silver.

"I w-was j-just asking b-bec-cause you a-are shivering." L Silver explained.

I don't shiver when I'm cold but he doesn't know that, it's due to my adrenaline.

"I'm fine, it's o-okay." I tried reassure him.
"B-but I don't w-want y-you t-to be c-cold." He stammered.

"It's alright. I'm not cold, Gold." He can be a little stubborn. He wrapped me into a blanket like a burrito.🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 🌯 (sorry I had fun with the burrito emoji I just found I got excited)

"I d-don't have a-any b-body heat so y-your g-gonna have to warm yourself sorry." He looked sad again, I think he wishes he could. I only smiled.

Then someone walked in,
I looked to see who it was and it was Toby.
"Oh, h-hey T-toby." L Silver depressingly said.

"H-hey, b-breakfast-t is r-ready." Toby said, he seemed a little off, and not in a good way. I thought he'd be happier with his new found love.

"O-okay thanks." L Silver replied to Toby.

"A-all right s-see you at t-the table." Toby said while closing the door behind him.

Toby's POV

I couldn't find y/n anywhere, but on the way I'll at least tell everyone that breakfast is ready.

I seen Jeff laughing and talking to Splendorman, he usually doesn't talk to him, I got curious.

"H-hey w-what's funny?" I asked them.

"Hmm... well I guess it doesn't matter now since you and y/n are dating people now." Said Jeff as he smirked evilly. Wait, y/n is dating someone? I felt a ping of jealousy.

"What, t-tell me what!" I was eager to know and confused of what it might be.

"We were talking about how we hooked y/n and L Silver up to distract her from her love for you. She really got hurt because she didn't have the chance to tell you her feelings. And we think it's funny that you've obsessed over her so long that you just date Silver in an instant." Jeff explained.

Splendor just looked at me with his usual coulerful poke a dotted tux and his always smiling smile. I didn't know what to think, y/n actually felt the same way!? Oh man, this is a mess.

"O-okay, I see." I told Jeff and walked off to tell everyone breakfast was done.


Time skip to when Toby exits Lost Silver's room.


I held in tears as I walked down the hallway. I guess she did like dating. I shouldn't have inferred that she was exactly the same from when I left. I wasn't the only one to change, even the fun loving Jeff changed.

'Everyone says I'm not able to feel pain but that's wrong...

I still feel mental pain' I thought to myself as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Masky's POV

I don't really know where Lyra lives, but I'm guessing I can ask Ben.
"Hey, Ben." I stopped walking on the path and turned to Ben.
"What's up?" He looked up at me.

"Do you know where Lyra lives?" I can't tell him why I need Lyra because he won't let me do that to y/n. They've gotten to be closer friends latley.

"Why? Do you need Lyra?" Ben asked.
"Yes actually, I do. I need her because she knows where the thing I need is." I told Ben.

"What even is this thing you need to get?" Ben asked, man he is asking too many questions. It's getting in my nerves. I had to think of something believable then the thought 'y/n loves Pikachus'.

"Y/n loves pikachus so I'd thought I'd try to get her one since she helped me through one of my episodes." I lied.

Ben looked at me sideways. "You serious? Because I don't think you'd go this much out of your way for just a thank you." He was getting onto me.

"All I'm trying to do is be nice for once, and your driving my patience for this entire thing paper thin." I growled at Ben.

"Alright I'll take you there, hold on"
Ben teleported us to what seemed to be a normal looking house, it's probably Lyra's.

Ben knocked on the door. This girl with brown pigtails came out, she looked ugly to me. I'd prefer Jane than her yuck.

"He needed to talk to you about catching a Pikachu." Ben told Lyra.

"Okay! Come in!" Lyra said like a little squealing kid. My God she was annoying too. Ben teleported away, and with that I was left with Lyra. I hope my plan doesn't fail.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now