Silver's return ch 17

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(I made the art for DOBREFAN556)

The character Silver is an OC of DOBREFAN556

(Desc. Of Silver,
Silver has moonshine white hair with streaks of silver and has crystal blue eyes. Is a girl, and she also has a crush on Toby)

Time skip a few more days... y/n was very anxious about valentine's day because she wanted to ask Toby to be her valentine's.

Hoodie's POV

Y/n has been acting strange lately. She has been very nervous while approaching Toby like she wants to tell him something. But she looses her words. I'll ask her what it is, to see if I can help. But first I have to get her to the roof so nobody eavesdrop and not get interrupted.

I walked around the Mansion looking for y/n. 'Hmmm where would she be?' I thought to myself. I seen Silver walk across the hallway with Toby. I wonder if those two know where y/n is.

"Ay, Toby. Silver. Where is y/n?" I lifted my mask up past my lips so I wasn't talking through my voice changer.

"Uhm. I'm not sure who that is." Said Silver.

"O-oh I forg-got to int-troduce you t-to y/n. S-silly me, we've b-been friend-ds since f-forever." Toby informed Silver.
"I don't k-know where y/n-n is though." Toby answered my question.

"Okay, thanks Toby."
"N-no prob-blem Hoodie." Toby waved to me then they left to do their own thing they were up to.

I continued to the living room to see Cry, EJ and Emery were chatting together about something, must have been a good conversation because they were all smiling and laughing.

I walked up to them, "excuse me." Cry turned his attention to me. "Yes?" The other two noticed my too.

"I'm here to ask if any of you know where y/n is." They all thought for a second.
Then Emery answered,
"Uh... I think I remember something about y/n saying she was gonna hang out with Jeff at the mental asylum some ways away from the mansion." EJ shifted a bit.

I knew he hated that place due to his experience there.

"Thanks Emery." I walked out the from the front door looking at the mansion behind me then looking forward as I began my way to the asylum.

Jeff's POV

It feels like it's been forever since I've hung out with y/n. I almost forgot how much fun she is.

She ran into a room, then shortly after came out with a restraint in her hand.

"Who do you plan on using that on?"
I asked smiling at her. She had an evil grin spread across her face. Man I missed that smile, meant she was up so something. And I liked it.

"Welllllllll....." She began while she circled around my like a hungry wolf with its prey, oh man I missed this.

"I think you're smart enough to guess." As she began to laugh evilly.

"Hmmmm...." I waited a few seconds to pretend I was thinking. "I really have no clue." I loved playing around with her. Makes me think of the good parts of my childhood.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now