Getting her Back ch 7

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(Not sure for warnings yet)
                           Y/N's POV

Overwhelmed and tired. I heard the boy's footsteps. My foster dad started yelling thinking it was me walking going downstairs. I could hear the yelling stop as my mom started screaming. I could hear cracking and gushing sounds, once it became quiet so I could hear my heavy breathing I heard thumping footsteps coming to my room.

    The boy walked in with blood all over his Green Jacket he hugged me and I was terrified but I couldn't fight back because I was so exhausted I felt the world suddenly fade away as I felt woozy.

                         Toby's POV

Poor girl, she fell asleep in my arms she's so exhausted. I climbed out the window taking Y/N to hoodie's car. I walk towards the car while the Yellow Jacketed guy with a ski mask that had  red eyes and frown waited  holding the door to the car open known as my friend hoodie. Well Masky stood there one of his arms crossed to the other while having his female mask up past his lips so he could smoke a cigarette.

   You looked at his mouth below the masks black lips, you could tell he wasn't happy anything you did annoyed him. I set y/N in into the car. I turned to Hoodie

"c-can you help-p me p-pack som-me of her-r s-stuff?"

Hoodie nodded yes in response. When hoodie walked inside making sure to be quick so the police wouldn't catch us masky looked over at me and grunted

"w-what is your prob-blem n-now?"

I asked and annoyed tone. Masky pressed his lips into a fine line while he looked at me letting the cigarette in his hand burn down.

"What makes this girl so special to you huh, is she your girlfriend that you came back for like how all of romantic love stories are. Cuz those are just stories they never work out and she probably doesn't even remember you anymore," he growled " plus she looks like she couldn't even hurt a fly she'll just weigh all of us down if we ever went on a mission with her. "

Masky looked off into the trees as my anger grew.

"W-well I'll tra-ain her and m-make s-s-sure she can-n be the b-best bec-cause I know s-she has the p-pot-tential to b-be bett-tter tha-an me she's r-really sm-mart and I-I thin-nk we c-can use her-r smart-ts on our t-team the p-proxies. "

I was hoping that he'd just accept that she's becoming one of us now. Masky looked back at me and pulled his mask back down stomping the filter of the cigarette out.

"I don't even see what you and Slenderman see in her like seriously she just looks like a pathetic child that would be better off dead."

This statement really hurt me because I really cared about Y/N and I don't think she deserves to be dead if anything Masky should be dead. I walked over into Y/N's room.

Hoodie had grabbed the essentials like her shoes, socks, undergarments, clothes, jackets, her bedding, female stuff like pads, and a few things laying around that he thought were important like a few pictures and her stuffed animal Pikachu.

   I looked around and seen Lots Silver's game I know he likes to watch the people that plays game usually he goes and kills them after a day or a few seconds maybe few hours so I'm going to have a little word with him when I get back to the mansion.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now