Chapter 3

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" Hello?" I said into the phone. " Morgan. Listen we need to talk." My ex-best friend said into her phone. " There's nothing to talk about Emily, I have to go to an event." I said pacing around the small hallway that I walked into. " I know but I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tell Amber about your crush on Jack. I Didn't think she would try to get with him. I'm sor-" I cut her off with, " Were you the one, madly in love with him, having to see him cry over the biggest bitch in the school? No you didn't. Stop calling me. Bye." I quickly hung up and wiped my eyes with my hands. I wasn't crying, was I? My hands felt wet and I sighed. Oh well the boys and Mahogany won't notice. I walked back to the group and saw everyone staring at me. " Can you stop staring at me?" I asked looking down and walking to the limo.

There were some fans outside and I waved putting on my best smile. I quickly jumped into the window sliding all the way down to the other door. I took my buzzing phone out of my pocket and saw that She was calling me. I denied and went onto Twitter, following random people. Jack J was the only one in the limo besides me. He locked the door and scooted next to me."Why did you lock the door?" I asked not looking up from my phone. Jack took it gently away from my hands and wrapped his hands around me. " Because I know that you were crying. What's wrong and who called?" Jack said sternly but yet gently. My phone began buzzing in the seat next to him and I tried grabbing it but Jack pulled me down on his lap and looked at the contact. " Who's bitch 1 and bitch 2." I laughed "She's really trying to three way me and that bitch.God Emily is a bitch." I muttered more to my self than to Jack but of course he had to hear it... "Who's bitch 1 and bitch 2?" Jack asked. "Emily and um.... And...Amber." I said looking down at my hands which were intertwined with Jacks.

" I'm sorry Jack, but I really didn't want to get a random call from one of them and have to ask who it was. I know you were hurt but I hate them so much and you might think that I shouldn't hate them because of what she did to you.... But it was my fault too. I was dumb and decided to give them a list of people I thought were um.. cute. And you happened to be one of them. I'm sorry Jack." I said quietly, having tears run down my face. Jack wiped some tears before saying, " I don't see why I was on that list. There are hundreds of guys at our school I can't turn back now. It's okay Morgan. If it makes you feel better, I think your cute too." I blushed at what he said last and looked at intertwined hands. " Sorry to ruin this but, we have to leave for the arena." Matt said poking his head in the now unlocked door. I nodded and grabbed my phone trying to get back into my spot off of Jacks lap. "You know that if you get off my lap, three people won't have a seat." I sighed and asked him to move over to the window at least.

To: Jack Jack 😍 From: Morgy Bear 😘

Is my face red?

I watched Johnson pull his phone from his pocket and smile. He looked at me for a while and started to type.

To: Morgy Bear😘 From: Jack Jack 😍

Nope you look good.... Are you even wearming make up today? Because I didnt notice. I just wanted to ask so I can see if you put more than usual.

To: Jack Jack😍 From: Morgy Bear😘

No it's just waterproof.

He smiled and squeezed my hand. I blushed and Cameron looked at us. " Aww, guys look how cute Mack is. Why don't you guys date already?" Cam said making making everyone look at us. I blushed and looked down at our hands as we arrived at the venue. I jumped out the window and waved at some fans. I walked into the venue and realized that it was only Mahogany and I.

"You okay?" She asked walking next to me so we could go backstage. "I'm fine." I said as we got to the backstage area. "We both know that's a lie. You know you can tell me anything, right Morgan?" Mahogany said looking at me in the eyes. I nodded and said "I'll tell you later I promise." I held out my pinkie making her laugh but still do the pinky promise.

Jack J and Jack G rounded a corner and stopped their conversation as we literally ran into them. "Fuck." I muttered as I felo on my butt. "Sorry Morgy Bear." Jack J said pulling me up easily. " Its alright." I said looking over at Mahogany who was now walking away with Jack G. " What time does it start again." I asked Jack " Um 5 minutes. We should go to the stage area." I nodded and we walked quietly. I pulled out my phone and went of Vine. "Aye I'm with Jack J. Say hi." He waved and I quickly said " We are going to the event now, Bye." Jack slightly laughed and I raised an eyebrow. " What's so funny, blondie?" "Your so adorable." He mumbled not expecting me to hear it. " Thank you, you are too." I said before running in front of him to get to the stage. I saw fans starting to fly in and I smiled. "Exciting isn't it?" Cameron said from behind me. "Hell Yeah, aren't you excited?" I said bouncing from foot to foot.

"Of Course. Its always exciting seeing people who enjoy you." Cam said. " So what's wrong? I know we don't know each other that much, but I know that something is wrong." He said. "Um I'll tell you later when I tell Lox. Promise." I said holding out my pinkie finger. He laughed and out his large pinkie onto mine. "Lets get ready for the show now." I said walking towards Aaron and Jack G. "Brother, I love you." I said wrapping my arms around his torso. " I love you too." My brother said wrapping his arms around me. " Aww you two are so adorable!" Aaron said.

" I know." We both said in Unison.

Hey my lovelies,
I'm sorry I haven't updated in like 20 years but I finally finished this chapter. I will be writing a lot more chapters because Summer is in 4 days for me so get ready for me to complete this book.
Don't forget to
Love ya.

My Brothers Best Friend ~Jack Johnson~Where stories live. Discover now