Chapter 17

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~Morgan's POV~

    " Mommy!" I screamed running through the airport. My brother had my bags so I quickly ran to my mom and hugged her. Jack and Delilah hugged their parents while Jack hugged our Dad. I hugged my dad tightly and we all conversed for a minute. We all wished each other farewell and we all went our separate ways. Not really that separate considering Jack and Delilah live on the same street as us. "How was the tour?" Mom asked as Dad pulled out of the parking lot. "It was fun." I said quickly causing Jack to look at me. "Are you and Jack dating?" Dad asked from the drivers seat. Jack cleared his throat and I frowned. "Not anymore." I said quietly. "Oh, why not?" Mom asked, sincerely. "He kissed Mallory in our hotel room. But Aaron made me feel lots better." I said smiling at Aaron's name. "Aaron Carpenter?" Dad asked smiling. "Yeah, why?" I asked raising an eyebrow.. Well attempting to raise one. "He's a good kid. I like him." Dad said stopping at a stop light. I nodded and Jack pulled his phone out. I saw him taking a selfie causing me to giggle. "What?" He asked quietly putting his phone down slowly. I pulled my phone out and took selfies with Jack and my mom. I posted a picture of Jack, mom, and I and posted it to IG and Twitter. I captioned it quickly and tagged Jack and mom.

Dad pulled into the house and we all got out. Jack and I grabbed our bags and walked into the house. I walked straight to my room. My phone began ringing for a FaceTime and I pulled it out. I read the caller ID and answered it smiling. "Hey." I said to the screen. "Morgan. Hey." Aaron said smiling. "What's up?" I asked him putting my phone on a phone tripod sitting it in view. "Nothing. Wanted to make sure you were okay." He said causing me to blush. "I'm fine." I said smiling. "I miss you." Aaron said with puppy eyes with his bottom lip out. "I miss you too. Two weeks is too long." I said frowning. I turned my TV on and put on Teen MC. "Morgan?" Aaron asked quietly. "Yeah. I muted my TV and smiled at Aaron. "I.. I kind of.. Have a crush on a girl." He paused, waiting for my input. I don't know why but I felt my heart drop. I put on a fake smile quickly and tried to sound excited. "Who's the girl?" I asked, but ended up frowning. "That's the thing. I like a girl who has brown hair. Amazing eyes. Likes a dick. Eats a lot but seems to never gain weight." Aaron continued to describe the opposite of me. Then he said it. "Morgan, I know what you're thinking. I like you. I like you a lot." Aaron said sighing looking down. "But you'll never feel the same." He said sadly.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Who said I didn't like you?" I said out loud. Aaron smiled. "Yo- You do?" He asked happily. I nodded and said, "A lot." I blushed madly. I never really told anybody about my crush on Aaron. I told Aaron I liked Shawn so he wouldn't think I liked him. "But, I can't ask you to be my girlfriend right now. It has to be special." Aaron said smiling. I nodded and held a finger up. "Can I change really quick?" I asked. He nodded and I got up walking behind the camera. "Can you see me?" I asked. "Nope." Aaron said. "Is it okay if I have no makeup on or would you rather have me look pretty?" I asked him. "Morgan, you're beautiful without makeup. I could care less if you wear it. I'm not a dick, I like your personality." Aaron said. I blushed and he chuckled.

"You're blushing, aren't you?" He said. "Maybe." I said wiping my makeup off my face. I got into my pajamas and walked back in front of Aaron. "See. There's that beautiful face." Aaron said causing me to blush. "Thanks." I said. "Oh my god, I can almost see your boobs." Aaron said shielding his eyes. "Aaron, you've seen my butt while I wore a thong. All my other under garments for the downtown were weird." I said crinkling my nose. "I miss you." Aaron said with watery eyes. "I hope these two weeks are fast. I hate school." I groaned loudly causing Aaron to sigh. "Me too." He said sadly. "I just want to see you.. and the others of course." I said, covering it up causing Aaron to laugh. We talked for a few hours until it was 3 in the morning. "Aaron, I'll text you when I wake up tomorrow. Goodnight." I said blowing a kiss. "Night Morgan." Aaron blew a dramatic kiss causing me to laugh. We hung up and my brother ran in. "Who do you like? He asked out of breath. "Aaron." I said blushing. Jack smiled and hugged me. "I love you, see you at breakfast." I said releasing the hug. "Love you." Jack said leaving. I laid down after turning the light off and fell asleep thinking of the next Magcon.

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