Chapter 1

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I woke up at 9:30 am on a Saturday morning and walked into my bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my hair and teeth. I walked downstairs still in my pjs (Picture on the top.) and saw Jack and Jack in the kitchen.

"Sup fuck faces." I said mid yawn and grabbed the step ladder that's in the kitchen. I pulled it up to the fridge and climbed up two steps. I grabbed Cinnamon toast crunch and moved the stool, grabbing milk from inside the fridge. I sat on the kitchen island and grabbed a bowl + spoon. I made my food and grabbed the baby spoon that I always use. I put some cereal in my mouth and saw that Jack Johnson had his phone out, filming me.

I smiled and continued to eat my cereal. " Since I look like a mess, you would take a video. Wait let me guess, Vine?" I said to Jack J. " you don't look like a mess and yes, it's a vine." Answered Jack J. I shook my head and rinsed out my bowl and put it in the dishwashers. I hand washed the spoon I used and put it in the correct drawer.

I walked into the living room and spread out on the couch. I reached for the remote but it was out of my limit. "JAAAAACK CAN YOU COME OVER HERE FOR A MINUTE." I screamed through the house. "which one?" Yelled Johnson. "Either one." I said back. Johnson walked into the living room and I pointed towards the remote. He laughed and went over to the remote and turned the tv on.

" Can I have that please?" I asked him looking up towards him. He lent down and patted my head, handing me the remote. " Thank you Jack." I said turning on to Netflix. " What are you watching?" My brother asked walking into the living room. " The Simpsons, Why?" I said. Jack shrugged and sat down after I lifted up my legs. " Johnson you can sit down." I said looking over at him. He looked at the couch and I realized that it was full. I leaned my head up and patted that spot. Johnson smiled and sat down.

I leaned my back and Jack Johnson wrapped his hands around my waist in a friendly way. We all sat sat there and watch the Simpsons in our pajamas until my mom came home and said all of us were going to dinner ( both families). I sat up from Jack J's lap and walked up to my room. I looked through my closet and walked back to my mom. "casual or formal?" I asked her "casual." she answered back while walking to the laundry room.

I ran towards my room and did my make up before I got dressed. I quickly picked out an outfit and stacked four rings onto my fingers. I ran downstairs while pulling my vans on and saw I was the last one done. I sheepishly smiled and walked to the front door.

<Two Days Late>

"Mom chill, I'll be fine. I have the Jacks. They"ll protect me. I doubt I'll get kidnapped. I love you, see you a couple of weeks." I said answering all of my mom's questions. I hugged my dad and told him I loved him before walking through our gate as our plane was being called. Johnson wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him gently. My brother was walking next to us making a vine. I adjusted my outfit (on the top under two days later) and wrapped my arms around Jack J. "You Nervous?" He asked while leaning down a little so I would hear him over the loud airport. I nodded Jack just pulled me into him a little more. we showed the lady our tickets and we sat down. Luckily, we were all sitting next to each other.

I got a window seat, JJ got a middle seat and Jack G. got an aisle seat. I pulled The Fault In Our Stars out of my bag that we were able to bring on the plane. " Is that a good book?" Asked Jack J. I nodded and told him what it was about. He nodded at some points and Jack G fell asleep. I read a little bit of the book before I dozed off with my head on Jacks shoulder.

" omg my neck hurts." I complained as we walked off the plane. We want to the baggage claim and got our stuff. i was struggling to pull of my suitcase as little kids got there's with no trouble. Luckily, my lovely brother came to the rescue and grabbed my bag and handed it to me. I thanked him and started walking towards Johnson. My brother walked up and went outside and saw the limo. We saw Bart and we waved at him. He smiled and opened the trunk and put our stuff in. I kept my backpack with me as I sat down in the limo. I looked around and we only had to wait for Taylor and Shawn.

Taylor soon came into the limo and we had to wait for our Canadian. Shawn got here soon after Taylor did and we went to the hotel that wasn't to far away from the airport. Mahogany and I decided that we should room together most of the trip because we can't trust a teenage hormonal boy. We would be in Chicago for a week and a half so I unpacked some of my stuff. Mahogany and I were talking about things when there was a knock on the door. I went and looked in the peephole and saw that it was some of the guys including my brother.

"What do you guys want?" I asked and let them in. " the meet and greet is in a hour and we are bored." my brother said. I shook my head and grabbed my tripod and camera. " I have to make a video, one of you can be in it." I said and walked towards my bed and sat in front of it. I lower the tripod so it can see me on the floor. "I'll be in it" said Johnson stepping towards me. I nodded and told him to sit down. " get out. we're doing the video now." I told all the boys. " Mahogany your kinda quiet, so you can either stay or go." I said. she left with all the boys and Jack and I made a Ask Morgan and Jack video.

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